João Basso graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Coimbra in 2017, receiving the "3% Best Students Award"
in the academic years of 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. JB began his professional activity as a Master's Fellow in the FCT Project
"Dual nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) as a multifunctional platform for brain tumor therapy" (PTDC/MHC-CED/2658/2014).
In 2019, JB was granted a PhD scholarship (second position (2/120) in the panel "Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology")
for the development of lipid carriers for drug and gene delivery in glioblastoma. Other research interests include the topical
and intravenous administration of targeted drug delivery therapies, biomaterials, and nanomedicine pharmacokinetics. Over
the last years, JB has acquired experience in developing novel carrier systems using systematic and risk-based approaches,
under the "get it right at the first time" Quality by Design perspective, with machine learning algorithms, and computational
modeling tools. JB has gained technical skills in nanoparticle/formulation characterization (DLS, DSC, ATR-FTIR, XRPD, analytical
centrifugation, release kinetics) and has developed several chromatographic methods for analytical and bioanalytical quantification.
In addition, JB has experience in cell culture (monolayer, transwell and 3D cancer models, transfection with gene material,
RT-PCR, internalization studies by fluorescence microscopy), as well as in animal studies (administration of drugs and nanomedicines,
development of orthotopic xenograft brain cancer models and anticancer efficacy studies, with MRI data and survival analyses).
JB has participated in other research projects related to nanotechnology, including NANOLIP 01/SAICT/2021-SAICT-181224 and
NANOPEP 10.54499/2022.06174. Over the last years, JB published numerous articles in specialized and indexed journals, as well
as various book chapters. His work has been cited in over 275 scientific articles (h-index=9, i10-index=9). JB is a member
of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Collaborator Network, holds an International Patent and is an Invited Reviewer for diverse
Q1 journals specialized in oncology drug delivery, nanotechnology, and pharmaceutics, including ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
(IF=9.5), Cancer Letters (IF=9.7) and Molecular Cancer (IF=37.3). His work has been recognized as best oral or panel communication
in different national and international meetings. Recently, he has been awarded the Scholarship for Scientific Innovation
"Professor Doutor António Lima de Faria". JB also is involved in several outreach activities for the promotion of science,
including the organization of the Pint of Science (Coimbra) festival, as collaborator and coordinator and the participation
in the European Researcher's Night 22/23.