Overview Nuno Joao Silva, completed a PhD in Physics in 2006 by University of Aveiro, MSc in Materials Science and Engeneering
in 2003 by the same University and Graduation in Physics in 1998 by the School of Sciences University of Porto. Post-Doc
at ICMA, Spain 2007-2009. Auxiliary Researcher between 2009 and 2016 (Ciencia 2008, IF-2013); and Principal Investigator in
University of Aveiro since 2017 (IF-2015, CEEC 2020). Nuno published over 80 articles in journals (>4000 times cited without
self citations; h=27 WOS); has 4 book chapters; has 4 patents (2 registered, 2 granted); presented >10 orals (4 invited &
1 keynote). Supervision of 8 PostDocs/Researcher (3 ongoing), 9 PhD (7 ongoing, 3 completed), 12 MSc (2 ongoing). Selected
outputs and activities are listed in this CV; please consult ORCID for complete lists. Nuno gathered a total funding over
2.5 MEuros as PI in European (ERC-CoG 2018) and National Grants.