
Personal identification

Full name
Luis Rosa

Citation names

  • Rosa, Luis

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Degree Classification
2013 - 2021
Doutoramento em Ciências e Tecnologias da Informação (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2010 - 2013
Mestrado em Informática Aplicada (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Oliveira do Hospital, Portugal
2007 - 2010
Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática (Licenciatura)
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Oliveira do Hospital, Portugal


  1. Stewart, B.; Rosa, L.; Maglaras, L.; Cruz, T.J.; Simões, P.; Janicke, H.. Effect of network architecture changes on OCSVM based intrusion detection system. 2017.
Book chapter
  1. Luis Rosa; Miguel Borges de Freitas; João Henriques; Pedro Quitério; Filipe Caldeira; Tiago Cruz; Paulo Simões. "Evolving the Security Paradigm for Industrial IoT Environments". 69-90. {IGI, 2020.
Conference paper
  1. Rosa, L.; Cruz, T.; Simões, P.; Monteiro, E.; Lev, L.. "Attacking SCADA systems: A practical perspective". 2017.
  2. Rosa, L.; Proença, J.; Henriques, J.; Graveto, V.; Cruz, T.; Simões, P.; Caldeira, F.; Monteiro, E.. "An evolved security architecture for distributed industrial automation and control systems". 2017.
  3. Rosa, L.; Alves, P.; Cruz, T.; Simões, P.; Monteiro, E.. "A comparative study of correlation engines for security event management". 2015.
Journal article
  1. Luis Rosa; Tiago Cruz; Miguel Borges de Freitas; Pedro Quitério; João Henriques; Filipe Caldeira; Edmundo Monteiro; Paulo Simões. "Intrusion and anomaly detection for the next-generation of industrial automation and control systems". Future Generation Computer Systems 119 (2021): 50-67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2021.01.033.
  2. Lima, António and Rosa, Luis and Cruz, Tiago and Simões, Paulo. "A Security Monitoring Framework for Mobile Devices". Electronics 9 8 (2020): 1197-1197. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/electronics9081197.
  3. Miguel Borges de Freitas; Pedro Quitério; Luis Rosa; Tiago Cruz; Paulo Simões. "SDN-assisted containerized security and monitoring components". NOMS 2020 - 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/noms47738.2020.9110291.
  4. Vitor Graveto and Luis Rosa and Tiago Cruz and Paulo Simões. "A stealth monitoring mechanism for cyber-physical systems". International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 24 (2019): 126-143. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcip.2018.10.006.
  5. Foglietta, Chiara and Masucci, Dario and Palazzo, Cosimo and Santini, Riccardo and Panzieri, Stefano and Rosa, Luis and. "From Detecting Cyber-Attacks to Mitigating Risk Within a Hybrid Environment". IEEE Systems Journal 13 1 (2019): 424-435. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/jsyst.2018.2824252.
  6. Luis Rosa; Miguel Freitas; Sergey Mazo; Edmundo Monteiro; Tiago Cruz; Paulo Simoes. "A Comprehensive Security Analysis of a SCADA Protocol: From OSINT to Mitigation". IEEE Access 7 (2019): 42156-42168. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2906926.
  7. F. Adamsky and M. Aubigny and F. Battisti and M. Carli and F. Cimorelli and T. Cruz and A. Di Giorgio and C. Foglietta a. "Integrated protection of industrial control systems from cyber-attacks: the ATENA approach". International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 21 (2018): 72-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcip.2018.04.004.
  8. Barnaby Stewart, Luis Rosa, Leandros A. Maglaras, Tiago J. Cruz, Mohamed Amine Ferrag, Paulo Simoes, Helge Janicke. "A Novel Intrusion Detection Mechanism for SCADA systems which Automatically Adapts to Network Topology Changes". EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems 4 10 (2017): 152155-152155. http://dx.doi.org/10.4108/eai.1-2-2017.152155.
  9. Cruz, T.; Rosa, L.; Proenca, J.; Maglaras, L.; Aubigny, M.; Lev, L.; Jiang, J.; Simões, P.. "A Cybersecurity Detection Framework for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems". IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 6 (2016): 2236-2246. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85006762171&partnerID=MN8TOARS.