Book |
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. Macroeconomia. Teoria e Prática Simplificada. 2ª Edição. Lisboa, Portugal: Edições Sílabo.
- Cristianni, Adriana Cristina; Ottoni, Maria Aparecida Resende. Microeconomia. Teoria e Prática Simplificada. 4ª Edição.
Lisboa, Portugal: Edições Sílabo. 2018.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. Economia Industrial. Teoria e Exercícios Práticos. 2ª edição. Portugal: Edições Sílabo. 2018.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. Estatística em Ciências Humanas e Sociais. 2ª Edição. Lisboa, Portugal: Universidade Lusíada
Editora. 2016.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. Microeconomia. Teoria e Prática Simplificada. 3ª Edição. Lisboa, Portugal: Edições Sílabo.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. Economia Industrial. Teoria e Exercícios Práticos.. Lisboa, Portugal: Edições Sílabo. 2016.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. Macroeconomia. Teoria e Prática Simplificada.. Lisboa, Portugal: Edições Sílabo. 2015.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. Microeconomia. Teoria e Prática Simplificada. 2ª Edição. Lisboa, Portugal: Edições Sílabo.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. Dicionário de Relações Internacionais. 3.ª edição. Porto, Portugal: Cepese / Afrontamento.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. Microeconomia: Teoria e Prática Simplificada. Lisboa: Editora Sílabo. 2012.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. Estatística em Ciências Humanas e Sociais. Lisboa: Universidade Lusíada Editora. 2010.
- Pinho, Micaela. O Racionamento dos Recursos da Saúde Através do Estabelecimento de Prioridades: Uma Perspetiva Social”.
Coleção Teses.. Lisboa, Portugal: Universidade Lusíada Editora. 2010.
Book chapter |
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. "The Conflict between Efficiency and Equality in Health Outcomes: Determination of SWF Parameters".
In Intercultural Dialogue on Health Economics, Management and Policy: Challenges and Chances, 91-104. Atenas: Athens
Institute for Education and Research, 2014.
Conference abstract |
- Pinho, Micaela; Quintela, Joana. "Birth Tourism: A Potential Niche Tourism Market for Portugal". Porto, 2023.
- Pinho, Micaela; Gomes, Sofia. "Explaining Sustainable-Based Tourism Destination Attractiveness through Tourists Changing Travel
Behaviours and Sustainable in-Destination Information .". Porto, 2023.
- Pinho, Micaela; Gomes, Sofia. "Is Gen Z on the path to sustainable tourism? An exploratory study of Portuguese youth". Paper
presented in International Conference on Applied Business and Management (ICABM2022), 14-15 July 2022. Porto, Porto,
- Pinho, Micaela. "Generation Z - Challenges, opportunities and a new trend for the tourism industry". Porto, 2021.
- Pinho, Micaela; Borges, Ana. "The rationing principles evaluate by Angolan physician and nurses". Paper presented in 3rd
International Conference on Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020), 25-26 June 2020. Porto, Porto, 2020.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. "Deciding the prioritzation of patients through their risk behaviours: A double vision". Paper presented
in 16ª Conferência Nacional de Economia da Saúde, Lisboa, 2019.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. "The complex interface between healthcare resource allocation and ethics". Paper presented in I
Congresso Internacional Qualidade de Vida, Cidadania e Saúde Mental & V Congresso de Educação para a Saúde., Viseu,
- Pinho, Micaela. "Comparing professional and non professionals views about equity efficiency trade-offs in healthcare rationing".
- Pinho, Micaela. "Do Health Professionals hold different views about healthcare rationing than students? A mixed method study
in Portugal". 2015.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira; Pinho, Micaela; Pinho, Micaela; Borges, Ana; Cookson, Richard. "Ethical principles of justice in microallocation
healthcare resources". Paper presented in 2nd World Congress of Research in Health, Viseu, 2014.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. "Different views on the establishment of priorities among patients: the main principles mentioned
in the choice". Paper presented in 13th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy Athens,
Greece, Athens, 2014.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. "The Conflict between Efficiency and Equality in Health Outcomes: Determination of SWF Parameters".
Paper presented in 10th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy Athens, Greece (27-30
Junho, 2011);, Athens, 2011.
Conference paper |
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira; Botelho, Anabela; Veiga, Paula Alexandra. "Efficiency and/or equality in health outcomes: determination
of SWF parameters". 2011.
- Romaulina, Mery Aderita; Masyitoh, Masyitoh; Sitohang, Afrina; Susanti, Febi; Hayuningtyas, Sari; Fazriah, Yayah. "Transparency
of health care rationing debate and the inherent problematic of publi involvment.". Paper presented in 1º Congresso Internacional
da Saúde Gaia. Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Vila Nova de Gaia (23-25 Setembro
2010)., 2010.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira; Botelho, Anabela; Veiga, Paula Alexandra; Pinho, Micaela; Veiga, Paula Alexandra Correia Veloso. "Racionamento
explícito dos cuidados de saúde: quem (e como) deve participar na tomada de decisões?". 2010.
- Botelho, Anabela; Pinho, Micaela Moreira; Veiga, Paula Alexandra. "Who and how should participate in health care priority
setting?". 2010.
Conference poster |
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. "Analysis of Portuguese competitiveness of health R&D accounting and fiscal treatment". Paper presented
in 10th European Conference on Intangibles Intellectual Capital, 2019.
- Pinho, Micaela. "Who and How Should Participate in Health Care Priority Setting?". Paper presented in 8th European Conference
on Health Economics. Helsinki. Finland (7-10 July 2010), 2010.
Dictionary entry |
- Pinho, Micaela. "Dicionário de Relações Internacionais, 3ª ed.". , 2014.
Edited book |
- Economia Industrial. Teoria e Exercícios Práticos, 2ª edição. Portugal. 2018.
- Microeconomia: Teoria e Prática Simplificada, 3ª Edição. Portugal. 2016.
- Economia Industrial. Teoria e Exercícios Práticos. Portugal. 2016.
- Estatística em Ciências Humanas e Sociais, 2ª Edição. Portugal. 2016.
- Macroeconomia: Teoria e Prática Simplificada. Portugal. 2015.
- Microeconomia: Teoria e Prática Simplificada. Portugal. 2012.
Journal article |
- Fátima Leal; Micaela Pinho. "Intelligent Exchange of Sustainable Tourist Habits among the EU Member States". Administrative
Sciences (2024):
- Conde, Ana; Pereira, Carla Santos; Costa, Eva Dias; Araújo, Maria Xavier; Domingues, Mariana; Pinho, Micaela; Campos, Mónica
Martinez de; Araújo, Rita; Jayantital, Shital . Corresponding author: Costa, Eva Dias. "Surrogacy in Portugal: drawing insights
from international practices". Revista Jurídica Portucalense 35 (2024): 175-191.
- Micaela Pinho; Mara Madaleno. "Willingness to pay more health taxes? The relevance of personality traits and situational effects".
Mind & Society (2024):
- Pinho, Micaela; Gomes, Sofia. "Unveiling the Impact of Personality in Lifestyle Solidarity: An Exploratory Study of the Effects
of Dispositional Optimism and Risk Orientation". Journal of Knowledge Economy (2024):
Open access • Published • 10.1007/s13132-023-01702-1
- Micaela Pinho; Pedro Ferreira; Sofia Gomes. "Healthcare professionals' voice as a road to burnout and work engagement? The
role of relational outcomes: An exploratory study of European countries". Journal of Health Organization and Management
- João M. Lopes; Micaela Pinho; Sofia Gomes. "From green hype to green habits: Understanding the factors that influence young
consumers' green purchasing decisions". Business Strategy and the Environment (2023):
- Sofia Gomes; Micaela Pinho; João M. Lopes. "From environmental sustainability practices to green innovations: Evidence from
small and medium-sized manufacturing companies". Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (2023):
- Sofia Gomes; Micaela Pinho. "Can we count on the commitment of European SMEs to achieve SGD12? An exploratory study of business
sustainability". Journal of Cleaner Production (2023):
- Micaela Pinho. "The role of lifestyles in the commitment to the Unites Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3. An exploratory
study". International Journal of Health Governance (2023):
- João M. Lopes; Micaela Pinho; Sofia Gomes. "Green to gold: consumer circular choices may boost circular business models".
Environment, Development and Sustainability (2023):
- Micaela Pinho; Sofia Gomes. "What Role Does Sustainable Behavior and Environmental Awareness from Civil Society Play in the
Planet’s Sustainable Transition". Resources (2023):
- Micaela Pinho; Sofia Gomes. "Generation Z as a critical question mark for sustainable tourism – An exploratory study in Portugal".
Journal of Tourism Futures (2023):
- Micaela Pinho; Alexandra M. Araújo. "Personality and perceptions about the use of personal responsibility for illness as a
health care rationing criteria.". Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics (2022):
- Micaela Pinho; Natércia Durão; Boyan Zahariev. "Are individual risky behaviours relevant to healthcare allocation decisions?
An exploratory study". International Journal of Health Governance (2022):
- Joana A. Quintela; Jorge Marques; Micaela Pinho; Helena Albuquerque. "ACADEMIC TOURISM THROUGH THE PERSPECTIVE OF ERASMUS
STUDENTS". Cuadernos de Turismo 49 (2022): 209-223.
- Beatriz Pereira; Sílvia Jorge, Ferreira; Celeste Varum, Amorim; Micaela Pinho. "Product differentiation and export incentive
schemes: A game theory approach". Economic Annals (2022):
- Micaela Pinho. "Public preferences for allocating absolute scarce critical healthcare resources during the COVID-19 pandemic".
Journal of Health Organization and Management ahead-of-p ahead-of-p (2021):
- Micaela Pinho; Alexandra Araújo. "How to fairly allocate scarce medical resources? Controversial preferences of healthcare
professionals with different personal characteristics". Health Economics, Policy and Law (2021):
- Jorge Marques; Micaela Pinho. "Collaborative research to enhance a business tourism destination: a case study from Porto".
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events (2021): 1-16.
- "Healthcare professionals’ attitudes concerning prioritization decisions: A quali-quantitative analysis in Angola". Global
Business and Economics Review (2021):
- "The Bleisure Tourism trend and the potential for this business-leisure symbiosis in Porto". Journal of Convention & Event
Tourism (2021):
- "A decision support system to solve the problem of health care priority-setting". Journal of Science and Technology Policy
Managementthis link is disabled (2021):
- Micaela Pinho. "The challenge posed by the COVID-19 pandemic: how to decide who deserves life-saving medical devices?". International
Journal of Health Governance ahead-of-p ahead-of-p (2020):
- "Prescribers’ and dispensers' views about generic medicines and international non-proprietary name prescribing – a mixed methods
study in Portugal". International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing 14 2 (2020): 177-199.
- Pinho, Micaela. "Prescriber's and dispenser's views about generic medicines and international non-proprietary name prescribing
- a mixed methods study in Portugal". International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing (2020):
- Eva Dias Costa; Micaela Pinho. "Does implicit healthcare rationing impose an unfair legal burden on doctors? A study of Portuguese
jurisprudence". Medical Law International 20 1 (2020): 31-57.
- Micaela Pinho; Eva Dias Costa. "Can mass media be an obstacle to rationing decisions? A case report from Portugal". International
Journal of Health Governance 25 1 (2020): 3-11.
Published • 10.1108/IJHG-10-2019-0069
- Micaela Pinho; Jorge Marques. "Business tourism in Porto: an empirical investigation of its potentialities and development
challenges". International Journal of Tourism Cities (2019):
- Pinho, Micaela; Borges, Ana Pinto. "Holding individuals accountable for engaging in harmful health behaviours when managing
scarce resources". International Journal of Health Governance 24 3 (2019): 206-221.
- Pinho, Micaela; Borges, Ana Pinto. "A Scoring Index of Prioritization Factors Between Patients". The Health Care Manager
38 3 (2019): 267-275.
Published • 10.1097/hcm.0000000000000274
- Micaela Pinho; Ana Pinto Borges. "The Views of Health Care Professionals and Laypersons Concerning the Relevance of Health-Related
Behaviors in Prioritizing Patients". Health Education & Behavior (2019):
- Pinho, Micaela; Veiga, Pedro. "Attitudes of health professionals concerning bedside rationing criteria: a survey from Portugal".
Health Economics, Policy and Law 15 1 (2018): 113-127.
Published • 10.1017/s1744133118000403
- Micaela Pinho; Ana Pinto Borges. "Economic decisions on who to treat when resources are not enough for everyone. Evidence
from a Spanish survey". Revista de Salud Pública 20 5 (2018): 584-590.
- Pinho, Micaela; Botelho, Anabela. "Inference Procedures to Quantify the Efficiency–Equality Trade-Off in Health from Stated
Preferences: A Case Study in Portugal". Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 16 4 (2018): 503-513.
Published • 10.1007/s40258-018-0394-6
- Pinho, Micaela; Borges, Ana Pinto. "A three-country survey of public attitudes towards the use of rationing criteria to set
healthcare priorities between patients". International Journal of Ethics and Systems 34 4 (2018): 472-492.
- Pinho, Micaela; Borges, Ana Pinto; Petricevic, Duje. "Bedside healthcare rationing dilemmas: a survey from Croatia". International
Journal of Human Rights in Health Care 11 3 (2018): 153-164.
- Pinho, Micaela; Pinho, M.M.; Pinto Borges, A.. "Relative Importance Assigned to Healthcare Rationing Principles at the Bedside:
Evidence from a Portuguese and Bulgarian Survey". Health Care Manager 36 4 (2017): 334-341.
doi: 10.1097/HCM.0000000000000187
- Pinho, Micaela; Borges, Ana Pinto. "Que princípios éticos devem definir o estabelecimento de prioridades entre doentes?".
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 113 (2017): 129-148.
- Pinho, Micaela; Pinto Borges, Ana; Cookson, Richard. "Do Healthcare Professionals have Different Views about Healthcare Rationing
than College Students? A Mixed Methods Study in Portugal". Public Health Ethics 11 1 (2017): 90-102.
Published • 10.1093/phe/phx005
- Pinho, Micaela; Borges, Ana Pinto; Zahariev, Boyan. "Bedsides healthcare rationing dilemmas: A survey from Bulgaria and comparison
with Portugal". Social Theory & Health 15 3 (2017): 285-301.
Published • 10.1057/s41285-017-0029-2
- Borges, Ana Pinto; Pinho, Micaela. "Should Lifestyles Be a Criterion for Healthcare Rationing? Evidence from a Portuguese
Survey". Journal of Research in Health Sciences 17 4 (2017):
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. "Critérios sociais e éticos de priorização de pacientes: uma pesquisa a estudantes e profissionais
de saúde em Portugal". Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 21 12 (2016): 3917-3926.
- Pinho, Micaela; Borges, Ana. "Bedside healthcare rationing dilemmas: a survey from Portugal". International Journal of
Human Rights in Healthcare 8 4 (2015): 233-246.
Published • 10.1108/ijhrh-03-2015-0008
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. "The dilemma of managing scarce health care resources; evidence of the conflict between economic or
ethical principles in microallocation decisions". International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology,
14(1): 1-11 (2014):
- Botelho, A.; Moreira Pinho, M.; Veiga, P.A.C.V.. "Erratum: Who should participate in health care priority setting and how
should priorities be set? Evidence from a Portuguese survey (Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica (2013) 31:2 (214-22)),Erratum:
Quem deveria participar na definição das prioridades em saúde e como deveriam essas prioridades ser estabelecidas? resultados
de um inquérito em Portugal (Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica (2013) 31". Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica 32
1 (2014): 119-119.
- Botelho, A.; Pinho, M.M.; Veiga, P.A.; Botelho, Anabela; Pinho, Micaela Moreira; Veiga, Paula Alexandra; Veloso, A.B.; Veiga,
P.A.C.V.. "Who and how should participate in health care priority setting? Evidence from a Portuguese survey". Revista
Portuguesa de Saude Publica 31 2 (2013): 214-222.
Published • 10.1016/j.rpsp.2013.06.004
- Moreira Pinho, Micaela; Veiga, Paula. "Racionamento dos cuidados de saúde e a participação da sociedade: revisão do debate".
Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública 28 2 (2010): 119-126.
Published • 10.1016/s0870-9025(10)70002-x
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira; Veiga, Paula Alexandra Correia Veloso. "Avaliação de custo-utilidade como mecanismo de alocação de
recursos em saúde: revisão do debate". Cadernos de Saúde Pública 25 2 (2009): 239-250.
- Pinho, M.M.; Veiga, P.A.C.V.. "Cost-utility analysis as a mechanism for allocation of health care resources: A review of the
debate | Avaliação de custo-utilidade como mecanismo de alocação de recursos em saúde: Revisão do debate". Cadernos de
Saude Publica 25 2 (2009): 239-250.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. "Racionamento dos cuidados de saúde: problemática inerente". Cadernos de Saúde Pública 24 3
(2008): 690-695.
- Pinho, Micaela Moreira. "Fórum: racionamento dos cuidados de saúde. Introdução". Cadernos de Saúde Pública 24 3 (2008):
Published • 10.1590/s0102-311x2008000300022
Thesis / Dissertation |
- "As analysis of energy efficiency in Italy". Master, 2023.
- "Sistema de desenvolvimento de gestão do chão de fábrica". Master, Universidade de Aveiro, 2022.
- "Influência do e-commerce na venda de medicamentos contrafeitos". Master, 2020.
- Pinho, Micaela. "Stated preferences of Croatian concerning the relevance of personal responsibility in priority setting decisions".
Master, Sveucilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2020.
- Pinho, Micaela. "Processo de decisão na seleção de fornecedores e dispositivos e equipamentos na procriação medicamente assistida:
um modelo preliminar". Master, 2019.
- Pinho, Micaela. "Análise / Mapeamento e caracterização de processos críticos no departamento de exportação". Master, Universidade
de Aveiro, 2019.