I graduated in Biology by University of Aveiro with a final grade of 13 values, with an optional 4th year of internship in University of Azores, Department of Biology where I obtained a grade of 18/20. Then I obtained a master’s degree in Forensics Genetic by Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, with a final classification of 16 values. My Master´s thesis “Implementation of the study of the LPIN1 gene as a cause of Rhabdomyolysis " was developed in the National Institute of Health, Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Porto, where I obtained a grade of 18/20. I applied for a Master abroad to acquire scientific experience and expertise in a new environment. After my Master degree, I was able to contact with another frontier of science: communication. Communicating science is not that easy; however, it was very rewarding because it was possible for me published my work that I developed in my year of thesis, and we discover a novel mutation in gene LPIN1 as cause of Rhabdomyolysis in Portuguese population. During my bachelor and master degree, I had continuous theoretical and technical training, which allowed me to grow. The contact with researchers from different backgrounds and countries, in my curricular stage and master thesis gave me a larger perspective of what is already being done on the field and the possibilities ahead.

Personal identification

Full name
Diana Luísa de Almeida Nunes

Citation names

  • Almeida-Nunes, DL

Author identifiers

Ciência ID


Mobile phone
  • 919480595 (Personal)


  • Rua da Murta, nº101, 3770-216, Oliveira do Bairro, Oliveira do Bairro, Portugal (Personal)



Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
English Upper intermediate (B2) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
Degree Classification
2021/01/01 - 2025/01/01
Ciências Biomédicas (Doutoramento)
Major in Medical and Health Sciences
Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
"Malignant ascites microenvironment kinetics during ovarian cancer metastization: comprehension of therapeutic resistances" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Genética Forense (Mestrado)
Major in Sem especialização
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
"Implementação do estudo do gene LPIN1 como causa de Rabdomiólise" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
16 valores
2009/09/16 - 2013/07/04
Biologia (Licenciatura)
Major in Biologia Molecular e Genética
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
"Expressão heteróloga, purificação e caracterização de proteínas inseticidas" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2012/09/16 - 2013/07/26 Research Trainee (Research) Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal
Universidade dos Açores Departamento de Biologia, Portugal


Book chapter
  1. Nunes, Mariana; Nunes, Diana; Ricardo, Sara. "Cell Microarray: An Approach to Evaluate Drug-Induced Alterations in Protein Expression". In Advancements in Cancer Research, 133-144. Exon Publications, 2023.
  2. Almeida-Nunes, DL; Ricardo, Sara. "Ovarian Cancer Ascites as a Liquid Tumor Microenvironment". In Ovarian Cancer, 43-55. Australia: Exon Publications, 2022.
    Published • 10.36255/exon-publications-ovarian-cancer-tumor-microenvironment
Conference poster
  1. Nunes, Mariana; Almeida-Nunes, DL; Costa, Anabela; Ricardo, Sara. "Cell microarray as a powerful tool to accelerate cancer research: focus on drug screening". Paper presented in II TOXRUN International Congress 2023. (2023). No Boundaries for Toxicology: One Health, One Society, One Planet. Scientific Letters, 1(Sup 1)., 2023.
  2. Almeida-Nunes, DL; Nunes, Mariana; Osorio, Hugo; Ferreira, Verónica; Lobo, Claudia; Monteiro, Paula; Henriques Abreu, Miguel; et al. "Análise proteómica de ascites de pacientes com cancro do ovário reflete a modificação metabólica no microambiente tumoral durante a quimioterapia". Paper presented in 8º Curso Avançado de Ginecologia Oncológica, realized in Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto, Francisco Gentil, EPE, Porto, Portugal, 2023.
  3. Almeida-Nunes, DL; Mendes-Frias, Ana ; Dinis-Oliveira, Ricardo Jorge; Leal-Silvestre, RJ; Ricardo, Sara. "The influence of tumor microenvironment immune in ovarian cancer ascites". Paper presented in I Congresso Internacional da TOXRUN, 2022.
  4. Almeida-Nunes, DL; Mendes-Frias, Ana ; Silvestre, Ricardo; Ricardo, Sara. "Immune tumor microenvironment of ovarian cancer ascites". Paper presented in The Structural Microenvironment: Breaking down the walls of cancer, 2022.
  5. Vilarinho, Laura; Almeida-Nunes, DL; Nogueira, C; Chaves, P; Rodrigues, E; Cardoso, T; Leão Teles, Elisa. "A novel mutation in LPIN1 associated with different phenotypes in the same family". Paper presented in SSIEM 2016 - SSIEM ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM, Roma 2016, 2016.
Journal article
  1. Diana Luísa Almeida-Nunes; Ricardo Silvestre; Ricardo Jorge Dinis-Oliveira; Sara Ricardo. "Enhancing Immunotherapy in Ovarian Cancer: The Emerging Role of Metformin and Statins". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25010323.
  2. Diana Luísa Almeida-Nunes; Ana Mendes-Frias; Ricardo Silvestre; Ricardo Jorge Dinis-Oliveira; Sara Ricardo. "Immune Tumor Microenvironment in Ovarian Cancer Ascites". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms231810692.
  3. Almeida-Nunes, DL; Nogueira, Célia; Lopes, Altina; Chaves, P; Rodrigues, E; Cardoso, T; Leão Teles, Elisa; Vilarinho, Laura. "LPIN1 deficiency: A novel mutation associated with different phenotypes in the same family". Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports 9 (2016): 29-30. https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.ymgmr.2016.09.004.
    Published • 10.1016/j.ymgmr.2016.09.004
Newsletter article
  1. Nogueira, Célia; Almeida-Nunes, DL; Lopes, Altina; Vilarinho, Laura. "Causas metabólicas de rabdomiólise associadas a mutações no gene LPIN1", Boletim Epidemiológico - Observações - Edições Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, IP, 2016, http://repositorio.insa.pt/bitstream/10400.18/4113/3/Boletim_Epidemiologico_Observacoes_N17_setembro-dezembro_2016.pdf.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Diana Luisa de Almeida Nunes. "Implementação do estudo do gene LPIN1 como causa de Rabdomiólise". Master, 2016. https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/handle/10216/100877.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2013/04/29 Expressão heteróloga, purificação e caracterização de proteínas inseticidas.
Universidade dos Açores Departamento de Biologia (Ponta Delgada, Portugal)

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2022/05/02 - 2022/05/03 Full Spectrum Flow Cytometry Course
Full Spectrum Flow Cytometry Course
Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
2016/03/17 - 2016/03/18 A Portugaliæ Genetica nasceu da vontade de promover no Porto um encontro anual de investigadores em genética e evolução de populações para partilha de ideias, resultados e projetos em ambiente informal.
Portugaliæ Genetica
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2012/03/31 - 2012/04/03 Evento reúne anualmente centenas de estudantes de Ciências Biológicas de Portugal, promovendo a divulgação de trabalhos de ponta na área da Biologia. Ao longo destes dias do Encontro ocorrem palestras com a presença de cientistas portugueses de renome, oriundos de diversas Universidades do País, além de workshops científicos e saídas de campo.
XV ENEB (Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Biologia)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra Departamento de Ciências da Vida, Portugal

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2010/11/16 - 2011/05/05 Curso Livre de Ciências Forenses Ciências Forenses (Outros) Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia, Portugal

Mentoring / Tutoring

Topic Student name
2014/03/03 - 2017/07/30 Natural Sciences/Biology and Geology/Biology 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade-students