ANDRÉ FILIPE VALADAS SARAMAGO is Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and Researcher at the Research Centre for Anthropology and Health and at the Orient Institute. He has a PhD in International Politics from Aberystwyth University and a Masters and Bachelors Degree in International Relations from the Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon. His research is focused on the intersection between critical international theory, historical sociology, science and environment studies and East Asia studies. ANDRÉ FILIPE VALADAS SARAMAGO é Professor Auxiliar de Relações Internacionais na Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra e Investigador do Centro de Investigação em Antropologia e Saúde e do Instituto do Oriente. Possui um Doutoramento em Política Internacional pela Universidade de Aberystwyth e Mestrado e Licenciatura em Relações Internacionais pelo Instituto Superior de Ciência Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa. A sua investigação foca-se na intersecção entre teoria crítica internacional, sociologia histórica, ciência e ambiente e estudos asiáticos.

Personal identification

Full name

Citation names

  • Saramago, André

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • asaramago@fe.uc.pt (Professional)


  • Faculdade de Economia, Universidade de Coimbra, Av. Dr. Dias da Silva, 165 , 3004-512, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Social Sciences - Political Sciences


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
Degree Classification
PhD in International Politics (Doutoramento)
Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom
"Orientation in World Politics: Critical Theory and Long-Term Perspectives on Human Development" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Mestrado em Relações Internacionais (Mestrado)
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
"Entre a Intervenção e a Autodeterminação: As Administrações Partilhadas como Modelo de Construção de Estados" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
17 valores
Licenciatura em Relações Internacionais (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
"A Missão das Nações Unidas na República Democrática do Congo: Um Paradigma da Evolução das Missões de Paz das Nações Unidas" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
17 valores

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2019/09/01 - Current Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2018/09/01 - 2019/07/30 Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade da Beira Interior Departamento de Sociologia, Portugal
2018/09/01 - 2019/02/28 Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal


Host institution
2017/09/01 - 2018/07/01 Professor Auxiliar de Relações Internacionais | Auxiliary Professor of International Relations Universidade Lusíada Porto, Portugal
2011/10/01 - 2015/10/01 PhD student with a scholarship from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia), SFRH / BD / 73035 / 2010 FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia), Portugal
2011/10/01 - 2015/05/31 Part-Time Teaching Staff Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom
2009/11/01 - 2010/11/07 Investigador Associado no Projeto de Investigação 'The State Building¿State Failure debate in International Relations: The Case of East Timor', PTDC/CPO/71659/2006 Universidade de Lisboa Instituto do Oriente, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto do Oriente, Portugal


Designation Funders
2011/10 - 2015/10 Orientation in World Politics: Critical Theory and Long-Term Perspectives on Human Development
SFRH / BD / 73035 / 2010
FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia)
2009/11 - 2011/07 The State-Building and State-Failure Debate in International Relations: The Case of East Timor'
FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia)


  1. Saramago, André. Grand Narratives in Critical International Theory. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. 2024.
    Published • 10.4324/97810032221777
Book chapter
  1. Professor Andrew Linklater; Saramago, André. "English School". In Theories of International Relations, 77-96. Londres, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.
  2. Professor Andrew Linklater; Saramago, André. "Marxism". In Theories of International Relations, 99-118. Londres, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.
  3. Garrido, Susana; Saramago, André. "Trade and social responsibility in a post-Covid 19 world". In The “ILO Chair” at FEUC: Talks on the Future of Work, 83-88. Coimbra, Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2022.
  4. Saramago, André. "Natureza, Controlo e Crise Ecológica: Uma perspetiva figuracional". In Norbert Elias: Política, Educação e Processos Sociais, 143-162. Espírito Santo, Brazil: Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022.
  5. Saramago, André. "Political Trust in International Relations". In Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Vol. 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Cham, United Kingdom: Springer, 2021.
  6. Saramago, André. "Cosmopolitismo e Orientação em Teoria Crítica Internacional". In Emancipar o Mundo: Teoria Crítica e Relações Internacionais, 25-48. Coimbra, Portugal: Almedina, 2021.
  7. Saramago, André. "Marx, Elias y la concepción materialista de las relaciones humano-naturaleza". In Tiempos de cambio: Diálogos desde Norbert Elias, 185-210. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2021.
  8. Saramago, André. "Harm and Civilization in Andrew Linklater’s Sociology of States Systems". In Studies on International Relations and Security, 69-85. Lisboa, Portugal: Universidade Lusíada, 2018.
  9. Saramago, André. "The Shared Administration of Timor-Leste: A Case Study". In Dimensions of State-Building: Timor-Leste in Focus, 49-88. Portugal: Instituto do Oriente, 2011.
  10. Saramago, André. "Shared Administrations as a Model for State Building: Dealing with State Failure in a Pluralist International Society". In Dimensions of State-Building: Timor-Leste in Focus, 13-22. Portugal: Instituto do Oriente, 2011.
  11. Saramago, André; Canas Mendes, Nuno. "Fulfilling Their Role: States and ASEAN in a World of Inclusion and Competition". In A New Asian Century: Dynamics and Implications, 67-78. Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur: UUM College of Law, Government and International Studies, 2011.
Book review
  1. Saramago, André. "The Idea of Civilization and the Making of the Global Order by Andrew Linklater". Review of The Idea of Civilization and the Making of the Global Order 6, 7 (2022): 1-1.
Edited book
  1. Pereira, Joana Castro; Saramago, André. Non-Human Nature in World Politics. Cham, United Kingdom: Springer International Publishing. 2020.
    Published • 10.1007/978-3-030-49496-4 • Editor
  2. Saramago, André. Climate Change, Moral Panics and Civilization. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. 2018.
    Published • Editor
  3. Saramago, André. Dimensions of State-Building: Timor-Leste in Focus. Lisboa, Portugal: Instituto do Oriente. 2011.
    Published • Editor
Encyclopedia entry
  1. Saramago, André. "Mandato Internacional". In Enciclopédia Luso-Brasileira de Direito Internacional. Dom Quixote, 2023.
  2. Saramago, André. "Cosmopolitanism". In Elgar Encyclopedia of International Relations. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2023.
    In press
  3. Saramago, André. "Teoria Crítica". In Enciclopédia das Relações Internacionais. Dom Quixote, 2014.
  4. Saramago, André. "Marxismo". In Enciclopédia das Relações Internacionais. Dom Quixote, 2014.
  5. Saramago, André. "Andrew Linklater". In Enciclopédia das Relações Internacionais. Dom Quixote, 2014.
  6. Saramago, André. "Mandato Internacional". In Enciclopédia de Direito Internacional. Sociedade Portuguesa de Direito Internacional, 2011.
  7. Saramago, André. "Organização Internacional do Trabalho". In Enciclopédia de Direito Internacional. Sociedade Portuguesa de Direito Internacional, 2011.
  8. Saramago, André. "Conselho de Tutela". In Enciclopédia de Direito Internacional. Sociedade Portuguesa de Direito Internacional, 2011.
Journal article
  1. Baião, Teresa; Saramago, André. "Loss of a common horizon: ALBA and the contradictions of the Bolivarian Revolution". JANUS NET e-journal of International Relation 15 1 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.26619/1647-7251.15.1.11.
    Open access • Published • 10.26619/1647-7251.15.1.11
  2. Saramago, André. "Dualism and Anti-Dualism in the Anthropocene: Process Sociology and Human/Nature Relations in the Great Evolution". Historical Social Research 48 1 (2023): 190-212. https://doi.org/10.12759/hsr.48.2023.09.
  3. Hughes, Jason; Saramago, André; Dunning, Michael; Hughes, Kahryn. "Fields, Worlds and Figurations: Using Elias to Revisit Depth Conceptual Imagery and Emancipatory Critique". Sociologia e Antropologia 12 1 (2022): 53-80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/2238-38752022v1212.
    Published • 10.1590/2238-38752022v1212
  4. Saramago, André. "Post-Eurocentric grand narratives in critical international theory". European Journal of International Relations 28 1 (2021): 6-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/13540661211058797.
    Published • 10.1177/13540661211058797
  5. Saramago, André. "Reality-congruence, emancipatory politics and situated knowledge in International Relations: a process sociological perspective". International Relations 34 2 (2019): 204-224. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0047117819879473.
    Published • 10.1177/0047117819879473
  6. Saramago, André. "Jürgen Habermas and the democratization of world politics". JANUS NET e-journal of International Relation 1 10 (2019): 14-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.26619/1647-7251.10.1.2.
    Published • 10.26619/1647-7251.10.1.2
  7. Burke, Danita Catherine; Saramago, André. "Singapore’s Use of Education as a Soft Power Tool in Arctic Cooperation". Asian Survey 58 5 (2018): 920-941. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/as.2018.58.5.920.
    Published • 10.1525/as.2018.58.5.920
  8. Saramago, André. "Problems of Orientation and Control: Marx, Elias and the Involvement-Detachment Balance in Figurational Sociology". Human Figurations: Long-term perspectives on the human condition 4 2 (2015):
  9. Farias Ferreira, Marcos; Saramago, André. "Booth e Smith em Aberystwyth: A teoria serve sempre alguém e algum propósito". R:I Relações Internacionais 36 (2013): 47-59.
  10. Saramago, André. "The welfare state, democracy and capitalism in the critical theory of Jürgen Habermas". Revista Estudos do Século XX 13 (2013): 371-387. http://dx.doi.org/10.14195/1647-8622_13_21.
    Published • 10.14195/1647-8622_13_21
Newsletter article
  1. Saramago, André. "The intellectual legacy of Andrew Linklater", Figurations: Newsletter of the Norbert Elias Foundations, 2023, http://norbert-elias.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Figurations_59.pdf.
Online resource
  1. Saramago, André. 'Process Sociology and the Global Ecological Crisis', E-IR Series on Process Sociology. 2023. https://www.e-ir.info/2023/03/31/process-sociology-and-the-global-ecological-crisis/.
  2. Saramago, André. 'Thinking with Elias: International Relations and Human Rights', Thinking with Elias Podcast. 2021. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6zXvSkE05gN1c5jfMtjg49.
  3. Saramago, André. 'ASEAN’s multilateral diplomacy answer to COVID-19’, DiploBlog. 2020. https://www.diplomacy.edu/blog/aseans-multilateral-diplomacy-answer-covid-19.
  4. Saramago, André. 'With all eyes on China, Singapore makes its own Arctic moves', The Conversation, 26 February. 2018. https://theconversation.com/with-all-eyes-on-china-singapore-makes-its-own-arctic-moves-92316.
  5. Saramago, André. "International Relations as a Means of Orientation", Welsh Centre for International Affairs Blog. 2014. https://wciavoices.wordpress.com/2014/07/04/international-relations-as-a-means-of-orientation/.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024/01/19 Human-nature relations in the Anthropocene: Theoretical contribution from process sociology Seminar on International Relations Theory
University of Lacanshire (Lacanshire, United Kingdom)
2023/06/23 Dualism, anti-dualism and the international in the Anthropocene 47th British International Studies Association Conference
British International Studies Association (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
2023/06/22 Process sociology in Andrew Linklater’s critical international theory 47th British International Studies Association Conference
British International Studies Association (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
2023/05/10 A teoria crítica de Andrew Linklater como meio de orientação num sistema internacional em transformação A Função da Teoria nas Relações Internacionais: Perspetivas e Debates
Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal)
2023/03/14 Antropoceno ou Capitaloceno: Os desafios da crise ecológica em Relações Internacionais Seminário de Política Internacional Contemporânea
Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2022/06/15 Post-Eurocentric grand narratives in critical international theory and the challenge of global survival 46th British International Studies Conference
British International Studies Conference (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne , United Kingdom)
2022/03/18 Global ecological crisis and the materialist-emergentist conception of human-nature relations Conference Long-Term Processes in Human History: A tribute to Johan Goudsblom
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2021/10/27 Metabolic rift, the Anthropocene and International Relations Aula Aberta: Università di Pisa
Università di Pisa (Pisa, Italy)
2021/09/17 Ecologia e Utopias Literárias Aula Aberta: Sciences Po Bordeaux
Sciences Po Bordeaux (Bordeaux, France)
2021/09/16 Antropoceno e Relações Internacionais Aula Aberta: Sciences Po Bordeaux
Sciences Po Bordeuax (Bordeaux, France)
2021/06/15 Post-capitalist world ecologies in literary utopias and the problem of the international Beyond Modernity: Alternative incursions into the Anthropocene
Centro de Estudos Sociais-Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
2021/06/09 Process Sociology and International Relations Thinking with Elias: Norbert Elias and Social Research Workshop
Norbert Elias Foundation and European Centre for the Study of Culture and Inequality (Online, Netherlands)
2021/04/07 Guerra cultural, austeridade ecológica e os desafios do movimento ambiental Media e Masculinidades no Contexto da Crise Climática
Centro de Estudos Sociais-Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
2020 Multiplicity, nature and civilization: A figurational-materialist perspective on the ecological crisis’ XVIII Simpósio Internacional Processos Civilizadores
Universidade do Minho (Online, Portugal)
2019/10/17 Teoria crítica internacional no centenário das relações internacionais 5ª Conferência Terrorismo Contemporâneo: Terrorismo e Democracia num Mundo Globalizado
University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal)
2019/06/17 Critical international theory: A post-philosophical-utopian perspective Aberystwyth Academic Centenary Conference
Aberystwyth University (Aberystwyth, United Kingdom)
2019/06/12 Marxist Ideology in China’s Ecological Civilization 44th BISA Annual Conference
British International Studies Association (London, United Kingdom)
2018/12/05 Utopia, possible futures and objective ethics in process sociology Norbert Elias Conference Brussels 2018: Global Interdependencies
Université Saint-Louis (Brussels, Belgium)
2018/11/21 Exporting China’s Ecological Civilization 1st International Relations Congress
Lusíada University-North (Porto) (Porto, Portugal)
2017/12/17 The Anticipatory Motif in Norbert Elias: Detachment, Secondary Re-Involvement and the Politics of the Social Sciences SDU Guest Seminar
University of Southern Denmark (Copenhagen , Denmark)
2016/11/21 Natureza e Civilização XVI Simpósio Internacional Processos Civilizadores
Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (Vitória, Brazil)
2016/09/11 Process Sociology and Ecological Civilising Processes RC33: 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology
University of Leicester (Leicester, United Kingdom)
2016/03/10 Grandes Narrativas em Teoria Crítica Internacional VIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (Lisboa, Portugal)
2015/06/20 Norbert Elias and the Study of World Politics The Global Imagination: Sociology and Philosophy, First Annual Millennium Journal Theory Symposium
London School of Economics (London, United Kingdom)
2015/01/23 Navigating through Global Interdependence: A Process Sociological Perspective on the Impact of International Relations The Impact of IR as a Social Science
Coventry University London Campus (London, United Kingdom)
2014/10/16 Social Scientific Orientation in Crisis and (De)Civilising Processes Plunging Into Turmoil: Social Sciences and the Crisis
University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal)
2014/06/20 Problems of Orientation and Control: Marx, Elias and the Politics of Figurational Sociology From the Past to the Present and Towards Possible Futures: The Collected Works of Norbert Elias
University of Leicester (Leicester, United Kingdom)
2013/10/10 The Critical Project: Freedom, History and Humanity International Politics Research Seminar
Aberystwyth University (Aberystwyth, United Kingdom)
2013/10/09 International Relations as a Means of Orientation Group on International Political Theory
Aberystwyth University (Aberystwyth, United Kingdom)
2013/06/12 The Colonization of Critique: Habermas' Over-Reliance on Systems Theory and Its Implications for Critical Theory The Aberystwyth-LSE-Sussex Colloquium in International Political Theory
London School of Economics and Political Science (London, United Kingdom)
2012/10/04 A Humanist Approach to Critical International Theory: The Dialectics of Social Learning Critical and Cultural Politics Research Group
Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University (Aberystwyth, United Kingdom)
2010/12/05 ‘Fulfilling Their Role: States and ASEAN in a World of Inclusion and Competition’, International Conference on International Studies 2010: A New Asian Century: Dynamics and Implications
University Utara Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2022/09/01 - Current A Militarização da Política Externa do Japão face à Ascenção da República Popular da China
International Relations (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2020/09/01 - Current Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony in Latin America: ALBA and the neoliberal world Order
International Relations (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2019/09/01 - Current Rights of Nature and the Transformation of Political Community: In search of a different model of relationship between humanity and non-human nature
International Relations (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2019/09/01 - Current O Papel da Religião na Resolução de Conflitos e Construção da Paz
International Relations (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2018/09/01 - Current The European Union and the Migrant Crisis: The securitization of the Schengen Area
International Relations (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2024/07/24 Fishing for Welfare Improvements: How non-governmental organizations in the United Kingdom and Poland civilize cruelty against farm animals.
(Thesis) Main arguer
Adrianna Kapek-Goodridge (PhD)
Huddersfield College of Technology, United Kingdom
2023/09/01 O Estado Universal segundo Alexander Wendt: Utopia, Possibilidade ou Inevitabilidade?
(Thesis) Main arguer
Francisca Ramos da Cruz Neves (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2022/09/01 It is Time for Peace: Exploratory Research on the Study of Peace Emergence
(Thesis) Main arguer
Luís Octavio dos Santos Gouveia Junior (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2021/09/01 Security Identity and Foreign Policy Changes: Brazil's Relations with Argentina from 1985 to 2018
(Thesis) Arguer
Heloise Guarise Vieira (PhD)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2021/03/01 The 2003 Bush’s rejection of a ‘grand bargain’ and the 2009 Obama’s openings: The Iran nuclear deal as a US foreign policy case study
(Thesis) Arguer
Noemi Maria Rocca (PhD)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2020/04/01 Identities in Conflict: Dehumanization and peaceless reconciliation in the Israel-Palestinian protracted peace process
(Thesis) Arguer
Joana Ricarte (PhD)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal

Ad Hoc journal article review

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2024/05/01 - Current Review of International Studies
2023/09/01 - Current Millennium: Journal of International Relations
2021/09/01 - Current Challenges in Sustainability
2020/09/01 - Current Janus.net
2020/09/01 - Current Contexto Internacional
2019/09/01 - Current R:I Relações Internacionais

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2015/09/01 - Current Norbert Elias Foundation
2011/09/01 - Current British International Studies Association

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2022/09/01 - Current Teorias das Relações Internacionais I Relações Internacionais (Licenciatura) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2020/09/01 - 2022/07/31 Marxismo(s) em Relações Internacionais Relações Internacionais (Licenciatura) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2019/09/01 - 2022/07/31 Teorias das Relações Internacionais II Relações Internacionais (Licenciatura) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
2020/09/01 - 2021/07/31 Geopolítica e Geoestratégia I Relações Internacionais (Licenciatura) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2023/06/01 The intellectual legacy of Andrew Linklater Figurations: Newsletter of the Norbert Elias Foundations

Interview (tv / radio show)

Program Topic
2021/05/26 - Current Thinking with Elias: International Relations and Human Rights Thinking with Elias Podcast

Other distinction

2010 Academic Merit Award Scholarship
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
2010 PhD Scholarship
2009 Academic Merit Award Scholarship
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
2009 Masters Scholarship
2008 German Language Studies Scholarship at the University of Passau - Germany
2008 Visit to NATO Headquarters in Brussels as an award for the article entitled "NATO: A broader security concept and its implications"
NATO, Belgium