
Personal identification

Full name
Donatella Di Marco

Citation names

  • Di Marco, Donatella

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id



Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Italian (Mother tongue)
Spanish; Castilian Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)


  1. Di Marco, D.; Munduate, L.; Arenas, A.; Hoel, H.. ¿Quién queda en el armario? La experiencia de personas gays y lesbianas en el trabajo. Pirámide. 2017.
Book chapter
  1. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Hoel, H.; Munduate, L.. "Living a Double Life and Experiencing Modern Sexual Prejudice: The Effect on Ecuadorean Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Workers' Well-Being". In LGBTQ Mental Health: International Perspectives and Experiences, edited by Nakamura; N. ; amp; Logie; C.H.. American Psychological Association, 2019.
  2. Di Marco, D.. "Unlocking Closets at Organizations". In Shaping Inclusive Workplaces Through Social Dialogue, 187-200. 2017.
    Published • 10.1007/978-3-319-66393-7_12
  3. Arenas, Alicia; Di Marco, D.; Munduate, Lourdes; Martin C. Euwema. "Dialogue for Inclusion: When Managing Diversity Is not Enough". In Shaping Inclusive Workplaces Through Social Dialogue, 3-21. 2017.
    Published • 10.1007/978-3-319-66393-7_1
  4. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, Alicia; Martin C. Euwema; Munduate, Lourdes. "The Circle of Inclusion: From Illusion to Reality". In Shaping Inclusive Workplaces Through Social Dialogue, 261-272. 2017.
    Published • 10.1007/978-3-319-66393-7_18
  5. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Munduate, L.; Hoel, H.. "El proceso de coming out en el contexto laboral español". In Diversidad sexual en Iberoamérica, 187-194. 2013.
Conference abstract
  1. Di Marco, D.; Silva, S. A.; Tavares, S. M.; Passos, A. M.. "Multiple bosses, incivility and health: the positive effect of role clarity". Paper presented in 13th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference: adapting to rapid changes in today’s workplace, Lisboa, 2018.
Edited book
  1. Arenas, A.; Di Marco, D.; Munduate, L.; Euwema, M.C.. Shaping Inclusive Workplaces Through Social Dialogue. Springer International. 2017.
    Published • Editor
Journal article
  1. Corlett, S.; Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.. "‘Coming out’ across cultures: examining the experiences of Ecuadorian and Spanish LGB employees". Current Psychology N/A (2019): https://link.springer.com/.
    Published • 10.1007/s12144-019-00463-y
  2. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Munduate, L.; Hoel, H.. "Discriminatory language in the workplace: unmasking prejudices and stereotypes". Revista de Psicologia Social 34 1 (2019): 110-136. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02134748.2018.1540122.
    Published • 10.1080/02134748.2018.1540122
  3. Di Marco, D.; Martínez-Corts, I.; Arenas, A.; Gamero, N.. "Spanish validation of the shorter version of the Workplace Incivility Scale: an employment status invariant measure". Frontiers in Psychology 9 (2018): https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00959/full.
    Published • 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00959
  4. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Giorgi, G.; Arcangeli, G.; Mucci, N.. "Be friendly, stay well: the effects of job resources on well-being in a discriminatory work environment". Frontiers in Psychology 9 (2018): https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00413/full.
    Published • 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00413
  5. Di Marco, D.; Hoel, H.; Arenas, A.; Munduate, L.. "Workplace incivility as modern sexual prejudice". Journal of Interpersonal Violence 33 12 (2018): 1978-2004. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0886260515621083.
    Published • 10.1177/0886260515621083
  6. Di Marco, D.; López-Cabrera, R.; Arenas, A.; Giorgi, G.; Arcangeli, G.; Mucci, N.. "Approaching the discriminatory work environment as stressor: the protective role of job satisfaction on health". Frontiers in Psychology 7 (2016): https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01313/full.
    Published • 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01313
  7. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Munduate, L.; Hoel, H.. "Coming out strategies of lesbians and gays at work". Revista de Psicologia Social 30 1 (2015): 122-151. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02134748.2014.987503.
    Published • 10.1080/02134748.2014.987503
  8. Munduate, L.; Di Marco, D.; Martínez-Corts, I.; Arenas, A.; Gamero, N.. "Rebuilding the social dialogue and promoting inclusive organizations. A tool for social innovation in times of crisis". Papeles del Psicologo 35 2 (2014): 122-129. http://www.papelesdelpsicologo.es/.


Other output
  1. Remaining silent in eleven languages: Validating scales for employee silence motives across fifteen countries.. 19th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2019. Götz, M.; Knoll,M.; Di Marco, D.; Silva, S.A.; Tavares, S. M.; et al..
  2. I cannot stay focused! The effect of connecting leadership, incivility and organizational justice on impaired cognitive control.. The 19th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2019. Di Marco, D.; Silva, S.A.; Passos, A. M..
  3. Uncivil behaviors at work make me shut up! The role played by climate for authenticity in the relationship between workplace incivility, prosocial silence and psychological health.. The 19th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2019. Di Marco, D.; Silva, S.A.; Tavares, S. M..
  4. Diversity at organizations: new challenges for Human Resource Managers. 15th International Human Resource Management Conference. 2018. Di Marco, D.; Silva, S.A.; Passos, A. M..
  5. Multiple Bosses, Incivility and Health: The Positive Effect of Role Clarity. 13th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference. 2018. Di Marco, D.; Silva, S.A.; Tavares, S. M.; Passos, A. M.. http://www.eaohp.org/conference.html.
  6. The Experience of LGB People in Latin America: Uncovering Subtle Discrimination at Work.. 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology. 2018. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Munduate, L.; Hoel, H..
  7. “The role of workplace incivility on employees' participation : a exploratory study with Portuguese workers”. 11th International Workshop Organizational Participation in Europe Network. 2018. Di Marco, D.; Silva, S.A.; Tavares, S. M.; Passos, A. M..
  8. Shaping Inclusive Workplaces Through Social Dialogue: Good Practices From The International Arena.. 18th Congress of European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2017. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Munduate, L.; Euwema, M.C..
  9. The mediating effect of workplace incivility on the relationship between organizational justice and health. 15th European Congress of Psychology. 2017. Di Marco, D.; Medina, F.J.; Arenas, A.; Pérez Samaniego, S..
  10. Are Spanish workplaces free of discrimination? The case of incivility against LGB employees. International Journal of Psychology. 2016. Munduate, L.; Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Hoel, H.. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000413720405662&KeyUID=WOS:000413720405662.
  11. Discriminación abierta y sutil hacia indígenas en contextos laborales interculturales. Congreso Internacional de Psicología del Trabajo y de los Recursos Humanos. 2016. Pérez-Samaniego, S.; Di Marco, D.; Medina, F.J.; Arenas, A..
  12. Discriminación en contextos laborales interculturales: la experiencia de la comunidad indígena Saraguro.. I Jornadas Internacionales de Conocimientos Ancestrales y Procesos de Desarrollo. 2016. Pérez-Samaniego, S.; Di Marco, D.; Medina, F.J..
  13. Are Spanish workplaces free of discrimination? The case of incivility against LGB employees. 31st International Congress of Psychology. 2016. Munduate, L.; Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Hoel, H..
  14. El colectivo LGTBIQ en los Centros de Estudio y Trabajo. II Jornadas Educativos del MAES. 2015. Di Marco, D..
  15. Las dinámicas de disclosure en los contextos laborales españoles: y tú, ¿qué rol juegas?. Jornada de Gestión de la diversidad afectivo sexual en el ámbito laboral. 2015. Di Marco, D..
  16. Workplace incivility as modern sexual prejudice: the experience of Spanish LGB employees. 17th Congress of European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2015. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Hoel, H.; Munduate, L..
  17. Identity management strategies applied by Spanish Lesbian and Gay employees. 6th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference. 2014. Di Marco, D.; Hoel, H.; Arenas, A.; Munduate, L..
  18. El aprendizaje basado en problemas (Problem-based learning). Jornadas de formación del profesorado Novel. 2014. Di Marco, D..
  19. El aprendizaje basado en problemas (Problem-based learning) [CD-ROM]. Programa de formación del Profesorado Novel.. 2014. Di Marco, D..
  20. Comportamientos incívicos y discriminación moderna en el entorno laboral: el caso de las personas lesbianas y gais en España. XII Congreso nacional de Psicología Social.. 2014. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Munduate, L.; Hoel, H..
  21. Experiencias de lesbianas y gays en el trabajo. In FELGTB website. 2013. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Munduate, L.; Hoel, H.. http://www.felgtb.org/temas/laboral/noticias/i/5294/358/lesbianas-y-gais-asumen-que-revelar-su-orientacion-sexual-les-perjudicaria-para-acceder-a-un-empleo.
  22. El proceso de coming out en el contexto laboral español. I Congreso Internacional sobre estudios de Diversidad Sexual en Iberoamérica. 2012. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Munduate, L.; Hoel, H..
  23. Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation at work. VII Simpósio sobre Comportamento Organizacional. 2012. Di Marco, D.; Arenas, A.; Hoel, H.; Munduate, L..


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2019/07/10 - 2019/11/19 Diversidade no Local de Trabalho na Holanda, seu Governo e um Exame da Relação com os Conflitos no Local de Trabalho
Supervisor of Hilda Miranda Wijbenga
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
2018/11/30 - 2019/11/19 Experiências de Afrodescendentes em Ambientes de Trabalho Portugueses: Perspetivas de discriminação subtil e práticas de GRH na gestão da diversidade
Supervisor of Natacha Andreia Gouveia da Costa Germano
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal


2014 Best dissertation award