A. Salak completed his PhD in 1994 in the Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics (Minsk, Belarus). He is a Principal Researcher at CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials and Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering of the Aveiro University. He specializes in crystal structure determination and characterization of physical properties of inorganic solids, particularly perovskite-like materials and layered double hydroxides. In 2015-2018, A. Salak was the Principal Coordinator of the EU H2020 MSCA-RISE project TUMOCS - 'Tuneable multiferroics based on oxygen octahedral structures' (grant 645660). In 2016-2019, he was a PI of the R&D project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-0166 funded by P2020 COMPETE. A. Salak was also a PI of the bilateral (Portugal-Slovakia) project FAST-LDH - 'Fundamental and applied studies of 2-D magnetic framework of layered double hydroxides' (2019-2021). At present he is a PI of the FCT-DAAD (Portugal-Germany) bilateral project PZT-FREE - 'Phase transitions and morphotropic phase boundary in bismuth-containing oxides with perovskite structure synthesized under high pressure: a search for lead-free piezoelectric materials' (2022-2023, grant 2021.09702.CBM). Since 2017, 10 applications for large-scale facilities, namely the ISIS neutron and muon source (UK), the SOLEIL synchrotron (France) and the European Microkelvin Platform (Slovakia), in which A. Salak was the main proposer (6) or a co-proposer (4), have been approved and resulted in successful experiments. He worked as external referee of the research projects for the French National Research Agency (ANR) in 2017, 2021 and 2022 and for the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) in 2019. Since 2016, A. Salak regularly teaches the courses 'Characterization of Materials II' and 'Techniques of Materials Characterization' for master students at the Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering. A. Salak organized 7 international workshops and gave 16 invited/ plenary/ keynote talks at the international conferences. A. Salak is a co-author of more than 160 papers in international peer-reviewed journals with over 3200 citations and 3 patents. He is a senior (corresponding) author of more than 50 papers. A. Salak has completed the supervision of more than 10 Master students and 4 PhD students. In 2022-2023, A. Salak supervised the trainings/internships of 4 early-stage researchers from Lithuania and Germany as well as 2 experienced researchers from Sweden and Germany visited the University Aveiro in frame of the Erasmus + programme or their national mobility programmes. In 2023, A. Salak was mentioned among the researchers in the top 100,000 (the top 2%) of the most cited (without self-citation) in the world throughout their careers and in their scientific field in the report published by Stanford University.

Personal identification

Full name
Andrei Salak

Author identifiers

Ciência ID