Artigo em revista |
- R. Grosso Ferreira; B. Carvalho; J. Rodrigues; R. Rodrigues; A. Smith; L. Marraffa; M. Lino da Silva. "Unfocused laser ignition
of high-pressure He–H2-O2 combustible mixtures". International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2024):
- Ricardo Grosso Ferreira; J. Vicente; F. Silva; B. Gonçalves; L. Cupido; Mario Lino da Silva. "Reflectometry diagnostics for
atmospheric entry applications: state-of-the-art and new developments". CEAS Space Journal (2024):
- Ricardo Grosso Ferreira; Bernardo Brotas Carvalho; Luís Lemos Alves; Bruno Gonçalves; Victor Fernandez Villace; Lionel Marraffa;
Mário Lino da Silva. "VUV to IR Emission Spectroscopy and Interferometry Diagnostics for the European Shock Tube for High-Enthalpy
Research". Sensors (2023):
- João Coelho; Mário Lino da Silva. "Aerothermodynamic analysis of Neptune ballistic entry and aerocapture flows". Advances
in Space Research (2023):
- J. Vargas; R. Mével; M. Lino da Silva; D. A. Lacoste. "Development of a steady detonation reactor with state-to-state thermochemical
modeling". Shock Waves (2022):
- M Lino da Silva; J Vargas. "Comment on ‘Collision and radiative processes in emission of atmospheric carbon dioxide’". Journal
of Physics D: Applied Physics (2022):
- Mario, Lino da Silva. "Heavy Particle Impact Vibrational Excitation and Dissociation Processes in CO2.". The
journal of physical chemistry. A (2021):
- Mario, Lino. "CDSDv: A compact database for the modeling of high-temperature CO2 radiation". Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy
and Radiative Transfer (2020):
- P. M. Gonçalves; M. Lino da Silva; R. J. Nunes dos Reis; C. R. Ilário da Silva. "Hypersonic transatmospheric and exoatmospheric
vehicle design using the SUAVE tool". CEAS Space Journal (2019):
- L. Santos Fernandes; B. Lopez; M. Lino da Silva. "Computational fluid radiative dynamics of the Galileo Jupiter entry". Physics
of Fluids (2019):
- A Tejero-del-Caz; V Guerra; D Gonçalves; M Lino da Silva; L Marques; N Pinhão; C D Pintassilgo; L L Alves. "The LisbOn KInetics
Boltzmann solver". Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 4 (2019): 043001-043001.
- Mario, Lino. "Kinetics of highly vibrationally excited O2(X) molecules in inductively-coupled oxygen plasmas". Plasma Sources
Science and Technology (2018):
- Vasco Guerra; Tiago Silva; Polina Ogloblina; Marija Grofulovic; Loann Terraz; Mário Lino da Silva; Carlos D Pintassilgo; Luís
L Alves; Olivier Guaitella. "Reply to Comment on ‘The case for in situ resource utilisation for oxygen production on Mars
by non-equilibrium plasmas’". Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27 2 (2018): 028002-028002.
- Vasco Guerra; Tiago Silva; Polina Ogloblina; Marija Grofulovic; Loann Terraz; Mário Lino da Silva; Carlos D Pintassilgo; Luís
L Alves; Olivier Guaitella. "The case for in situ resource utilisation for oxygen production on Mars by non-equilibrium plasmas".
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 26 11 (2017): 11LT01-11LT01.
- Witasse, O.; Lino da Silva, M.; Sobbia, R.; Leyland, P.; Marraffa, L.; Schmitz, P.; Diaz del Rio, J.; et al. "Mars EXPRESS
observation of the PHOENIX entry: Simulations, planning, results and lessons learned". CEAS Space Journal 6 1 (2014):
- Bundaleska, N.; Tatarova, E.; Dias, F.M.; Lino Da Silva, M.; Ferreira, C.M.; Amorim, J.. "Air-water 'tornado'-type microwave
plasmas applied for sugarcane biomass treatment". Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 5 (2014):
- Lopez, B.; Lino da Silva, M.; Guerra, V.; Loureiro, J.. "Coupled hydrodynamic/state-specific high-temperature modeling of
nitrogen vibrational excitation and dissociation". 44th AIAA Thermophysics Conference (2013):
- Dudeck, M.; Andre, P.; Kaminska, A.; Lino da Silva, M.; IOP. "Thermodynamics equilibrium and non equilibrium of plasma flows".
1st International Symposium on Electrical Arc and Thermal Plasmas in Africa (Isapa) 29 (2012):
- Lino da Silva, M.; Loureiro, J.; Guerra, V.. "Rotational nonequilibrium in state-resolved models for shock-heated flows".
Chemical Physics 398 (2012): 96-103.
- Tatarova, E.; Henriques, J. P.; Felizardo, E.; Lino da Silva, M.; Ferreira, C. M.; Gordiets, B.. "Microwave plasma source
operating with atmospheric pressure air-water mixtures". Journal of Applied Physics 112 9 (2012):
- Lino da Silva, M.; Loureiro, J.; Guerra, V.. "A multiquantum dataset for vibrational excitation and dissociation in high-temperature
O-2-O-2 collisions". Chemical Physics Letters 531 (2012): 28-33.
- Loureiro, J.; Guerra, V.; Sa, P. A.; Pintassilgo, C. D.; Lino da Silva, M.. "Non-equilibrium kinetics in N-2 discharges and
post-discharges: a full picture by modelling and impact on the applications". Plasma Sources Science & Technology 20
2 (2011):
- Guerra, V.; Kutasi, K.; Sa, P. A.; Lino da Silva, M.. "Influence of nitrogen impurities on the formation of active species
in Ar-O-2 plasmas". European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 56 2 (2011):
- Lino Da Silva, M.; Beck, J.. "Contribution of CO 2 IR radiation to martian entries radiative wall fluxes". 49th AIAA Aerospace
Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition (2011):
- Vacher, D.; André, P.; Lino Da Silva, M.; Dudeck, M.; Faure, G.. "Definition of a new level one test case measurements of
equilibrium radiation from an inductively coupled plasma in the near-uv to near-ir spectral region for a titan-type n2-ch4
mixture. preliminary results". European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP 667 SP (2009):
- Lino Da Silva, M.; Guerra, V.; Loureiro, J.. "A review of non-equilibrium dissociation rates and models for atmospheric entry
studies". Plasma Sources Science and Technology 18 3 (2009):
- Tatarova, E.; Felizardo, E.; Dias, F.M.; Lino Da Silva, M.; Ferreira, C.M.; Gordiets, B.. "Balmer line broadening in microwave
plasmas". 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2009, EPS 2009 - Europhysics Conference Abstracts 33 E1 (2009): 49-52.
- Tatarova, E.; Felizardo, E.; Dias, F. M.; da Silva, M. Lino; Ferreira, C. M.; Gordiets, B.. "Hot and super-hot hydrogen atoms
in microwave plasma". Applied Physics Letters 95 18 (2009):
- Soural, I.; Guerra, V.; Lino Da Silva, M.; Sá, P.A.; Krcma, F.. "The importance of discharge current in the formation of the
pink afterglow of a nitrogen DC discharge". 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2009, EPS 2009 - Europhysics Conference
Abstracts 33 E1 (2009): 593-596.
- Lino Da Silva, M.; Sobbia, R.; Witasse, O.. "Radiative trail of the PHOENIX entry". 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition (2009):
- da Silva, M. Lino; Loureiro, J.; Guerra, V.. "Nonequilibrium dissociation and recombination rates in nitrogen: From shock
waves to discharge conditions". Chemical Physics 358 1-2 (2009): 123-131.
- da Silva, M. Lino; Guerra, V.; Loureiro, J.; Sa, P. A.. "Vibrational distributions in N-2 with an improved calculation of
energy levels using the RKR method". Chemical Physics 348 1-3 (2008): 187-194.
- da Silva, M. Lino; Vacher, D.; Dudeck, M.; Andre, P.; Faure, G.. "Radiation from an equilibrium CO2-N-2 plasma in the [250-850
nm] spectral region: II. Spectral modelling". Plasma Sources Science & Technology 17 3 (2008):
- Vacher, D.; da Silva, M. Lino; Andre, P.; Faure, G.; Dudeck, M.. "Radiation from an equilibrium CO2-N-2 plasma in the [250-850
nm] spectral region: I. Experiment". Plasma Sources Science & Technology 17 3 (2008):
- da Silva, M. Lino; Guerra, V.; Loureiro, J.. "Two-temperature models for nitrogen dissociation". Chemical Physics 342
1-3 (2007): 275-287.
- da Silva, M. Lino; Guerra, V.; Loureiro, J.. "State-resolved dissociation rates for extremely nonequilibrium atmospheric entries".
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 21 1 (2007): 40-49.
- da Silva, M. Lino; Guerra, V.; Loureiro, J.. "Nonequilibrium dissociation processes in hyperbolic atmospheric entries". Journal
of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 21 2 (2007): 303-310.
- Lino da Silva, M.. "An adaptive line-by-line - statistical model for fast and accurate spectral simulations in low-pressure
plasmas". Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 108 1 (2007): 106-125.
- Lino Da Silva, M.; Dudeck, M.; Vacher, D.; André, P.. "A solution for test-case 5 - Simulation of the radiative emission of
a chemical equilibrium 97% CO2-3% N2 atmospheric pressure plasma plume". European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA
SP 629 SP (2006):
- Lino Da Silva, M.; Guerra, V.; Loureiro, J.. "Nonequilibrium dissociation processes in hyperbolic atmospheric entries". Collection
of Technical Papers - 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference Proceedings 1 (2006): 421-430.
- Lino Da Silva, M.. "Plasma radiation in earth and mars atmospheric entries". Collection of Technical Papers - 9th AIAA/ASME
Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference Proceedings 4 (2006): 2254-2262.
- Lino Da Silva, M.; Passarinho, F.; Dudeck, M.. "Modeling of a CO2-N2 plasma flow in a supersonic arcjet facility". Journal
of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 20 4 (2006): 680-688.
- da Silva, M. Lino; Passarinho, F.; Dudeck, M.. "Modeling of a CO2-N-2 plasma flow in a supersonic arcjet facility". Journal
of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 20 4 (2006): 680-688.
- Passarinho, P; da Silva, ML. "GPRD, a database for the spectral properties of diatomic molecules of atmospheric interest".
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 236 1 (2006): 148-149.
- da Silva, M. Lino; Dudeck, M.. "Arrays of radiative transition probabilities for CO2-N-2 plasmas". Journal of Quantitative
Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 102 3 (2006): 348-386.
- Vacher, D.; Faure, G.; Lino Da Silva, M.; Dudeck, M.; André, P.. "Definition of a new level one test case - Measurements of
equilibrium radiation from an inductively coupled plasma in the near-UV to near-IR spectral region for a martian-type CO2-N2
mixture". European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP 583 (2005): 99-104.
- Lino Da Silva, M.; Passarinho, F.; Izrar, B.; Alexandrova, T.; Dudeck, M.. "Modelling of the arc-jet plasma flow in the SR5
nozzle using A thermochemical nonequilibrium and a state-to-state approach". European Space Agency, (Special Publication)
ESA SP 583 (2005): 105-112.
- Alexandrova, T.; Izrar, B.; Lino Da Silva, M.; Dudeck, M.. "Modelling of arc jet plasma flow in transitional regime by Navier
Stokes and state-to-state coupling". AIP Conference Proceedings 762 (2005): 1125-1130.
- Lino Da Silva, M.; Passarinho, F.; Alexandrova, T.; Dudeck, M.. "Modelling of the arc-jet plasma flow in the SR5 nozzle using
a thermochemical nonequilibrium and a state-to-state approach". AIP Conference Proceedings 762 (2005): 1183-1188.
- Lino Da Silva, M.; Passarinho, F.; Dudeck, M.. "Strong shock-wave interaction with an expanding plasma flow: Influence on
the CN molecule internal modes". AIP Conference Proceedings 762 (2005): 1131-1136.
- Lino da Silva, M.; Dudeck, M.; Reis, R.. "Aerothermodynamics and ground test facilities simulation of planetary entry flows
- Application to Earth, Mars and Titan atmospheric entries". European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP 544
(2004): 85-92.
- Lino da Silva, M.; Dudeck, M.. "A proposed solution for test case one using the SESAM code". European Space Agency, (Special
Publication) ESA SP 533 (2003): 121-126.
- Lino da Silva, M.; Dudeck, M.. "Proposal of a new testcase for gas radiation modelling: Application to a plasma expanding
flow in a conical nozzle". European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP 533 (2003): 127-133.
- Lino da Silva, M.; Alexandrova, T.; Mazouffre, S.; Dudeck, M.; Reis, R.; Pereira, J.C.F.. "Fluid mechanics calculations as
a support tool for experimental investigations using the SR5 wind-tunnel". European Space Agency, (Special Publication)
ESA SP 533 (2003): 63-72.
- da Silva, ML; Lago, V; Bedjanian, E; Lebehot, A; Mazouffre, S; Dudeck, M; Szymanski, Z; et al. "Modeling of the radiative
emission of a plasma surrounding a space probe entering Mars atmosphere". High Temperature Material Processes 7 1 (2003):