Dr Szabolcs Musca is a theatre and performance scholar, cultural curator and project lead of strategic arts and cultural initiatives and partnerships working across academia and the creative and cultural sector. His research spans across migrant performance, human rights, activist aesthetics, cross-cultural theatre and socially engaged performance. Szabolcs is board director of Migrant Dramaturgies International Research Network and founding director of New Tides Platform. His work has been awarded the IAS Benjamin Meaker Award from the University of Bristol (2019). Szabolcs is guest-editor of Performing Ethos' special journal issue on 'Theatre and Migration between Ethics and Aesthetics' (2019) and his co-edited collection, 'Redefining Theatre Communities. International Perspectives on Community-Conscious Theatre-Making' was published by Intellect (2019). He is Regional Managing Editor at The Theatre Times and an active member of the Translation, Adaptation and Dramaturgy Working Group within the International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR). He is also member of the Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA), the International Network of Italian Theatre (INIT), the European Association for the Study of Theatre and Performance (EASTAP), and Migration Mobilities Bristol (MMB).

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Szabolcs Musca

Nomes de citação

  • Musca, Szabolcs

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID


Domínios de atuação

  • Humanidades - Artes - Estudo das Artes da Representação (música, teatro e dramaturgia)


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2)
Húngaro (Idioma materno)
Romeno Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2)
Italiano Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B2)
Francês Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador independente (B1)
Alemão Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1)
Português Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1)
Grau Classificação
2009/09/28 - 2015/03/10
PhD in Theatre and Performance Studies (Doctor of Philosophy)
University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido
"Translating Dramaturgies. Theatre Translation and Dramaturgical Practices in the 21st century" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
2012 - 2012
Teaching for Research Staff (Engagement & Impact) (Outros)
University of Bristol School of Arts, Reino Unido
Professional Training in Education
2011 - 2011
Teaching within Higher Education (Outros)
University of Bristol Graduate School of Education, Reino Unido
Professional Training in Education
2003/10 - 2007/07
BA(Hons.) in Philosophy (Bachelor)
Especialização em Philosophy
Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Roménia
2006/09 - 2006/12
Research Internship Diploma in Aesthetics (Outros)
Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Bolcseszettudomanyi Kar, Hungria
Research Internship Diploma
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2020/09/01 - Atual Investigador (Investigação) Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
2019/09/01 - Atual Investigador Auxiliar (carreira) (Investigação) University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido
University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido
2022/02/01 - 2023/07/31 Investigador Auxiliar (carreira) (Investigação) Universität Hildesheim, Alemanha
UNESCO Cultural Policy Institute, Alemanha
2017/07/01 - 2020/08/31 Pós-doutorado (Investigação) Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
2016/09/01 - 2017/06/30 Investigador visitante (Investigação) Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
2009/09 - 2016/08 Investigador (Investigação) University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido
University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2020/02 - 2020/02 Professor Associado Convidado (Docente Universitário) University of Reading Department of Film Theatre and Television, Reino Unido
2019/05/01 - 2019/06/30 Professor Visitante (Docente Universitário) University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido
University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido
2017/01 - 2017/05 Professor Associado Convidado (Docente Universitário) Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
2010/09 - 2013/01 Leitor (Docente Universitário) University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido
University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido

Cargos e Funções

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2018/01/01 - Atual Board Director Migrant Dramaturgies Network, Reino Unido


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2017/07 - Atual Regional Managing Editor The Theatre Times, Estados Unidos
2015/01 - Atual Founding Director New Tides Platform, Reino Unido
2011 - 2012 Theatre Critic (UK Reviews) Fidelio Theatre Journal, Hungria
2008/01 - 2009/09 Theatre critic/ Assistant Editor Hamlet.ro- online theatre journal, Roménia
2007/10 - 2009/09 Theatre critic/ Assistant Editor Szabadsag Newspaper, Roménia
2007/02 - 2008/07 Editor (Digitalisation) Jakabbfy Elemer Foundation, Roménia
2005/05 - 2006/03 Theatre Critic A Het: Journal of Arts Criticism, Roménia


Designação Financiadores
2022/02/01 - 2023/07/31 Pan-European Migrant Performance
Investigador responsável
Universität Hildesheim, Alemanha
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Em curso
2021 - 2022 Refugee Arts Networks: Extending the Frame
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
The University of Manchester, Reino Unido
The University of Manchester
2017/07/01 - 2020/08/31 Migrant Dramaturgies: International Perspectives on Theatre and Migration
Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020/02/01 - 2020/07/31 The Migrant Institute: performing (non)belonging and post-Brexit imaginaries
Investigador responsável
University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido

The London School of Economics and Political Science, Reino Unido

Centre for Environmental Humanities, University of Bristol, Reino Unido

Migrations Mobilities Bristol, University of Bristol, Reino Unido

LegalAliens Theatre, Reino Unido

Migrant Dramaturgies Network, Reino Unido

The University of Manchester Drama, Reino Unido

Mittuniversitetet, Suécia
The Brigstow Institute
2016/09/01 - 2017/06/30 Translocality and Migratory Identities in Contemporary European Theatre and Beyond
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
2015/01/01 - 2017/01/01 Redefining Theatre Communities: International Perspectives on Community-Conscious Theatre-Making [Co-Investigator]
University of Malta, Malta

New Tides Platform, Reino Unido
University of Malta
2013 - 2015 Representations of the Other: Language, Body and Space in Cross-Cultural Performances [Co-Investigator]
Copenhagen International School of Performing Arts, Dinamarca

Otherness Project, Dinamarca
Copenhagen International School of Performing Arts
2009/09/28 - 2014/07/31 Translating Dramaturgies: Theatre Translation and Dramaturgical Practices in the 21st Century [PhD Researcher]
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido
Dinu Patriciu Foundation


Designação Financiadores
2018/09 - 2019/09 Migrations: Harbour Europe. Research & Performance Project in collaboration with LegalAliens Theatre (London). Partners: Arcola Theatre London, Migrant Resource Centre Tottenham and Haringey Welcome. [Project Co-Lead, R&D]
Project Co-Lead (R&D)
LegalAliens Theatre, Reino Unido

Migrant Dramaturgies Network, Reino Unido

New Tides Platform, Reino Unido
Arts Council England


Artigo em revista
  1. Musca, Szabolcs. "Not All Boats Sink. Migrant Performance and Socio-Artistic Visions for Inclusive Change". Performance Research (2024):
    Aceite para publicação
  2. Musca, Szabolcs. ""A Way not to See": Immersive Dramaturgies of Migration and Displacement". Coup de Théâtre (RADAC) 35 (2021): 131-147. https://radac.fr/index.php/revue/.
  3. Musca, Szabolcs. "Mindenhol Fehér Emberek: Menekültperformansz, fikciós esztétika, a másság és empátia dramaturgiája [Hungarian translation by Sara Gabor ]". Színház LIV 5 (2021): http://szinhaz.net/2021/08/23/musca-szabolcs-graca-p-correa-mindenhol-feher-emberek/?fbclid=IwAR0EMGZxSz0OeO8MPFzRpB70V7_HIjGzMmRklqHQ-E4cJJBxtuSoHnp5afo.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  4. Musca, Szabolcs; Graça P. Corrêa. ""White People All Over": Refugee Performance, Fictional Aesthetics and Dramaturgies of Alterity-Empathy". Contemporary Theatre Review 30 3 (2020): 375-389. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10486801.2020.1762580.
    Publicado • 10.1080/10486801.2020.1762580
  5. Musca, Szabolcs. "Theatre and Migration between Ethics and Aesthetics (Editorial)". Performing Ethos: International Journal of Ethics in Theatre and Performance 9 1 (2019): 3-8. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/intellect/peet/2019/00000009/00000001/art00001.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1386/peet_00001_2
  6. Musca, Szabolcs. "Crisis in the Making: Public Theatre, Migration and Activist Aesthetics". Comunicazioni Sociali: Journal of Media, Performing Arts and Cultural Studies 2019 1 (2019): 42-51. https://comunicazionisociali.vitaepensiero.it/scheda-articolo_digital/szabolcs-musca/crisis-in-the-making-public-theatre-migration-and-activist-aesthetics-001200_2019_0001_0042-369179.html.
    Publicado • 10.26350/001200_000042
  7. Musca, Szabolcs. "On Suspension of Walls: Towards a Humanist Agenda on Marginality". Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 24 2 (2019): 240-250. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13569783.2019.1568866.
    Publicado • 10.1080/13569783.2019.1568866
  8. Musca, Szabolcs. "Between Local and Global. Artistic Programming and Glocal Challenges". The Theatre Times (2017): https://thetheatretimes.com/local-global-artistic-programming-glocal-challenges-part-1-2/.
  9. Musca, Szabolcs. "Provincializmusok. Alternatív színházak és színházi alternatívák Bristolban [Provincialisms: Alternative Theatres and Theatrical Alternatives in Bristol]". Játéktér 2 1 (2013): 26-37.
  10. Musca, Szabolcs. "Központok, terek, közösségek [Centres, spaces and communities. Community Theatre and the Peripheries]". Fidelio (2012): https://fidelio.hu/szinhaz/kozpontok-terek-kozossegek-65695.html.
  11. Musca, Szabolcs. "Brit színházi terek [British Theatrical Landscapes. Spaces and Communities]". Fidelio (2011): https://fidelio.hu/szinhaz/brit-szinhazi-terek-73603.html.
  12. Musca, Szabolcs. "Szöveg- és látványterek. Szaggatott képek Mihai Maniutiu Woyzeck rendezésében [Textual and Visual Spaces. Interrupted Images in Mihai Maniutiu's Woyzeck direction]". Korunk 20 1 (2009): http://epa.oszk.hu/00400/00458/00145/musca.html.
Artigo em revista (magazine)
  1. Musca, Szabolcs. "Pan-European Migrant Performance: Policy Visions for a Post-pandemic Cultural Recovery", Kultur. Politik. Diskurs, 2023
Capítulo de livro
  1. Musca, Szabolcs. "Migrant and Radical: Political Migrant Theatre and Activism in 'Migrations: Harbour Europe'". In Refugee Genres: Essays on the Culture of Flight and Refuge, editado por Mike Classon-Frangos; Sheila Ghose, 111-131. Reino Unido: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
  2. Musca, Szabolcs. "Local and Global Stages: Translating Communities in Hybrid Cultural Spaces". In Redefining Theatre Communities. International Perspectives on Community-Conscious Theatre Making, editado por Musca, Szabolcs; Marco Galea, 118-132. Reino Unido: Intellect Publishing, 2019.
  3. Musca, Szabolcs; Marco Galea. "Introduction". In Redefining Theatre Communities. International Perspectives on Community-Conscious Theatre Making, editado por Musca, Szabolcs; Marco Galea, 1-15. Reino Unido: Intellect Publishing, 2019.
  4. Musca, Szabolcs; Marco Galea. "Conclusion". In Redefining Theatre Communities. International Perspectives on Community-Conscious Theatre Making, editado por Musca, Szabolcs; Marco Galea, 242-245. Reino Unido: Intellect Publishing, 2019.
Edição de livro
  1. Musca, Szabolcs; Marco Galea. Redefining Theatre Communities. International Perspectives on Community-Conscious Theatre Making. Bristol, Reino Unido: Intellect Publishing. 2019.
    Publicado • Editor
Edição de número de revista
  1. Musca, Szabolcs. "Theatre and Migration between Ethics and Aesthetics". Performing Ethos: International Journal of Ethics in Theatre and Performance 9 1 (2019): https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/peet/2019/00000009/00000001.
    Publicado • Editor
Recurso online
  1. Musca, Szabolcs. Refugee Arts Networks: Project Report. 2022. https://www.newtidesplatform.org/_files/ugd/62fe4e_5788696164334bcba272c99b87753042.pdf.
  2. Musca, Szabolcs. Things I Am Not: Interventions. 2021. https://3f7a1c24-0829-4620-b9a9-467db12ad292.filesusr.com/ugd/62fe4e_00b1471abc7045b8bd8e89ec967551e2.pdf.
  3. Musca, Szabolcs. The Migrant Institute: Interventions. 2020. https://3f7a1c24-0829-4620-b9a9-467db12ad292.filesusr.com/ugd/62fe4e_8922d51ed6f541208c7745ee12998a29.pdf.
Revisão de livro
  1. Musca, Szabolcs. "Performing Statelessness in Europe by S.E. Wilmer". Revisão de Performing Statelessness in Europe 2019, 1 (2019): https://journal.eastap.com/2019/01/21/performing-statelessness-in-europe-by-s-e-wilmer/.
  2. Musca, Szabolcs. "Elaine Aston and Mark O'Thomas- Royal Court: International". Revisão de Royal Court: International 32, 1 (2016): 103-104. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/new-theatre-quarterly/article/abs/elaine-aston-and-mark-othomas-royal-court-internationalbasingstoke-palgrave-macmillan-2015-248-p-1899-isbn-9781137461827/C42755526C875F6D8A7A4EE927E89E81.
    Publicado • 10.1017/S0266464X15001013
  3. Musca, Szabolcs. "Kevin J. Wetmore Jr., Siyuan Liu, and Erin B. Mee- Modern Asian Theatre and Performance 1900-2000". Revisão de Modern Asian Theatre and Performance 1900-2000 31, 2 (2015): 200-200. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/new-theatre-quarterly/article/abs/kevin-j-wetmorejr-siyuan-liu-and-erin-b-mee-modern-asian-theatre-and-performance-19002000london-bloomsbury-methuen-drama-2014-304-p-1799-isbn-9781408177181/7F7412ECA439C5D29EF9DC0F0.
    Publicado • 10.1017/S0266464X15000342
  4. Musca, Szabolcs. "Shakespeare and the Problem of Adaptation by Margaret Jane Kidnie". Revisão de Shakespeare and the Problem of Adaptation 4, 3 (2011): 324-327. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/jafp/2011/00000004/00000003/art00008.
    Publicado • 10.1386/jafp.4.3.319_4
  5. Musca, Szabolcs. "Cultural Borrowings: Appropriation, Reworking, Transformation- Iain Robert Smith (ed.) (2009), Nottingham: Scope". Revisão de Cultural Borrowings: Appropriation, Reworking, Transformation 3, 3 (2010): 331-333. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/jafp/2011/00000003/00000003/art00008.
    Publicado • 10.1386/jafp.3.3.329_4

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2022/12/05 [Invited Talk] Migrant Theatre and Political Activism Refugee Genres
Sodertorn University Stockholm (Stockholm, Suécia)
2022/10/06 [Invited Talk] Migrant and Radical: Political Migrant Theatre and Dramaturgies towards Radical Empathy Empathy Colloquium
CFCUL, University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal)
2022/06/16 [Invited Talk] On performance-led activism and migrant resistance Transnational Lived Citizenship through Creative Production
Global Development Institute, University of Manchester (Manchester, Reino Unido)
2021/05/12 [Invited Talk] Migrant Dramaturgies: Trajectories of a Collaboration Festival of Research & Partnerships
University of Bristol (Bristol, Reino Unido)
2021/03/25 [Keynote Lecture] Repositioning Migrancy through Theatre Art et Migration : Théâtre
Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (FMSH) Paris (Paris, França)
2020/01/17 Immersive Dramaturgies of Migration in UK Immersive Theatre on the Anglophone and Francophone Contemporary Stage
Recherches sur les Arts Dramatiques Anglophones Contemporains (RADAC) (Paris, França)
2019/11/16 Political Migrant Theatre and Crisis Narratives in the UK Migrant States of Exception
University of Wuppertal (Wuppertal, Alemanha)
2019/11/02 [Invited Lecture] Theatres of Migration: Crossing Artistic and Cultural Borders
University of Bristol, Department of Theatre (Bristol, Reino Unido)
2019/09/24 "A Way Not to See": Memory and Intermedial Representation in Contemporary Refugee Performance II. EASTAP Conference
University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal)
2019/09/05 Deconstructing Strangeness: Migrant Theatre and Dramaturgies of Belonging TaPRA Annual Conference
University of Exeter (Exeter, Reino Unido)
2019/05/29 [Keynote] J'Existe! Migrant Theatre Between Ethics and Aesthetics IAS Benjamin Meaker Public Lecture
University of Bristol (Bristol, Reino Unido)
2019/05/08 [Invited Lecture] Migrant Dramaturgies: Crossing the Borders Meeting Points: Migration and Displacement Across Arts and Humanities
University of Glasgow (Glasgow, Reino Unido)
2018/10/25 Drawing Oneself into a European (theatrical) Space: Translocality and 'Migratory Aesthetics' in Faustin Linyekula's Performances I. EASTAP Conference: Decentering the Vision(s) of Europe. The Emergence of New Forms
Universite Paris 8 (Paris, França)
2018/07/13 "White People All Over": Refugee Performance, Fictional Aesthetics and Dramaturgies of Alterity-Empathy IFTR World Congress: Theatre and Migration, Curated Panel: Dramaturgy of Migration: Staging Multilingual Encounters in Contemporary Performance
University of Belgrade (Belgrade, Sérvia)
2018/04/28 Crisis in the making: public theatre, migration and activist aesthetics Systemic Crisis in European Theatre
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (London, Reino Unido)
2016/11/04 Translocal Exchanges in Contemporary Theatre in Portugal Gulbenkian Annual Scientific Meeting
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon, Portugal)
2015/09/15 Translating between Local and Global. Translating Communities in Hybrid Cultural Spaces Redefining Theatre Communities. Community Perspectives in Contemporary Theatre-making
University of Malta (Victoria, Malta)
2014/07/29 Panel presentation as part of the Translation, Adaptation and Dramaturgy Working Group IFTR World Congress: Theatre and Stratification
University of Warwick (Coventry, Reino Unido)
2011/04/20 Interactions: Dramaturgy as Bilateral Translational Process Invisible Presences: Translation, Dramaturgy & Performance
Queen’s University Belfast (Belfast, Reino Unido)
2010/07/27 Fragments on stage. Translating and/ or adapting Woyzeck IFTR World Congress: Cultures of Modernity
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Munich, Alemanha)
2010/03/20 Georg Buchner's Woyzeck as a Model of Collaborative Theatre Translation Theatre translation as collaboration
Queen Mary University of London (London, Reino Unido)
2008/12/12 World Built Up of Fragments. Cultural Montage in Two Directions of Matthias Langhoff Intercultural Dramaturgy
University of Arts Targu-Mures (Targu-Mures, Roménia)

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2021/11 - 2021/11 [Curator and Symposium Lead] Refugee Arts Networks: Extending the Frame. Curated panel discussion and public debate. Interventions by Khaled Alwarea (FR), Ramzi DeHani (UK), Judith Depaule (FR), Lanna Joffrey (UK), Lubanzadyo Mpemba (PT), Lara Parmiani (UK), Anabela Rodrigues (PT), Jonas Tinius (DE), Ruba Totah (DE). Co-curators: Stella Barnes (Community Arts North West) and Alison Jeffers (University of Manchester). Funded by the Social Responsibility Award, SALC, University of Manchester. (2021/11 - 2021/11)
Simpósio (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Community Arts North West, Reino Unido

The University of Manchester, Reino Unido

New Tides Platform, Reino Unido
2021/06 - 2021/06 [Curator and Seminar Lead] Things I Am Not. Curated webinar and workshop. Interventions by Dr Bernadette Cochrane (University of Queensland, AUS), Dr Katja Krebs (University of Bristol, UK) and Dr Anika Marschall (Aarhus University, DK). (2021/06 - 2021/06)
Seminário (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
New Tides Platform, Reino Unido

LegalAliens Theatre, Reino Unido

The University of Queensland - Herston Campus, Austrália

University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido

Aarhus Universitet, Dinamarca
2020/06/09 - 2020/06/09 [Curator and Symposium Lead] The Migrant Institute: Performing (Non)Belonging and post-Brexit imaginaries. Participatory ideas exchange symposium and workshop. Interventions by Prof. Bridget Anderson (MMB), Prof. Myria Georgiou (LSE), Prof. Vicky Angelaki (Sweden), Dr Alison Jeffers (Manchester). Funded by the Brigstow Institute, University of Bristol. (2020)
Simpósio (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
University of Bristol, Reino Unido

The London School of Economics and Political Science, Reino Unido

The University of Manchester Faculty of Humanities, Reino Unido

Mittuniversitetet, Suécia
2020/03/04 - 2020/03/04 [Curator and Chair] Closed Lands. Public debate with Simon Grangeat (playwright, FR), Lara Parmiani (LegalAliens Theatre, UK), Becka McFadden (director, UK/CZ). Vault Theatre Festival, London. Funded by Arts Council England. (2020 - 2020)
Mesa-redonda (Coorganizador)
Migrant Dramaturgies Network, Reino Unido

LegalAliens Theatre, Reino Unido
2019/02/05 - 2019/02/07 [Curator and Project Lead] 'Migrations: Harbour Europe'. A series of panel discussions and public debates with international scholars: Prof. Vicky Angelaki (Sweden), Dr Bernadette Cochrane (Australia), Dr Alison Jeffers (UK), Dr Graca Correa (Portugal), Dr Roxane Paire (France). In collaboration with LegalAliens Theatre. Arcola Theatre, London. Funded by Arts Council England. (2019 - 2019)
Mesa-redonda (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Migrant Dramaturgies Network, Reino Unido

LegalAliens Theatre, Reino Unido
2017/04/17 - 2017/04/17 [Curator/ Project Lead/ Chair] Socio-political movements and public narratives of migration. Public debate in collaboration with Dr Fadi Skeiker (USA), Andre Amalio (Hotel Europa Theatre), Dr Ana Bigotte (Nova University of Lisbon), Rua das Gaivotas 6, Lisbon. Part of 'Theatre & Migration: Creative Encounters'. Funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. (2017 - 2017)
Mesa-redonda (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
New Tides Platform, Reino Unido

Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
2017/04/17 - 2017/04/17 [Curator/ Lead Organiser] Politics & creative practices of exile and refugeedom. Community engagement workshop with Dr Fadi Skeiker (University of Arts Philadelphia, USA), Rua das Gaivotas 6, Lisbon. Part of 'Theatre & Migration: Creative Encounters'. Funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. (2017 - 2017)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
New Tides Platform, Reino Unido

Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
2015/09/14 - 2015/09/16 [Co-organiser] Redefining Theatre Communities. Community Perspectives in Contemporary Theatre-making. International conference. Co-organised with Dr Marco Galea, University of Malta. Victoria, Malta. Funded by the University of Malta Project Grant. Partner: Creative Literary Studio (UK). (2015 - 2015)
Conferência (Coorganizador)
University of Malta, Malta

University of Bristol, Reino Unido

New Tides Platform, Reino Unido

Participação em evento

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de evento
Nome do evento
Instituição / Organização
2021/03/02 - 2021/03/03 Panel member as part of the Online Kick-off Conference of the Opportunities Project (Horizon2020).
Opportunities Project Opening Conference
Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Alemanha
2017/07/14 - 2017/07/14 Community Outreach Talk
OH! Theatre Festival (Department of Theatre Student Festival)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2010/01/20 - 2010/01/20 Panel presentation as part of the Translation, Adaptation and Dramaturgy Working Group
Symposium on East European Dramaturgy, Adaptation and Translation
University of East London, Reino Unido

Arbitragem científica em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2022/05 - Atual Global Performance Studies Journal (2574-027X) Psi-Performance Studies International
2020 - Atual Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance (1356-9783) Routledge
2019 - Atual Performing Ethos: International Journal of Ethics in Theatre and Performance (17571979) Intellect Publishing
2016 - Atual Multicultural Shakespeare Journal (23007605) De Gruyter
2015 - Atual Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance (17536421) Intellect Publishing

Consultoria / Parecer

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2022 - 2022 Research Network Advisor: Activist Citizenship through Creative Production, Universities of Manchester (UK), Linnaeus (Sweden) and Tel Aviv (Israel). The University of Manchester, Reino Unido

Linnéuniversitet, Suécia

Tel Aviv University, Israel
2020 - 2021 Research Consultant: ‘From Crisis to Opportunities’, University of Wuppertal, Germany Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Alemanha
2015/11 - 2016/03 [Research and outreach adviser] Staging and Performing Foreignness: Translation, Adaptation and Accessibility. Grand Challenges Scheme: Intercultural Interaction Programme. University College London Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Reino Unido
2015 - 2015 R&D Consultant on socially engaged arts. Liverpool Hope University, Reino Unido
2012 - 2013 [Research Consultant] On contemporary British theatre practices. Játéktér Theatre Journal (Hungary/Romania). Jetekter Theatre Journal, Hungria
2012 - 2013 [Research Consultant] Central and Eastern European Cultural-Political Histories. East meets West. Remembering Dictatorship research project, Department of German, University of Bristol. University of Bristol Department of German, Reino Unido

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2023/09/19 - 2023/09/20 Pan-European Migrant Performance (policy workshop) Theatre (Outros) Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2020/02 - 2020/02 Activist Performance: Aesthetics of Inclusion and Social Justice MA in Creative Entrepreneurship (Master) University of Reading Department of Film Theatre and Television, Reino Unido
2019/05 - 2019/06 Performing Migration: Practices, Concepts, Influences IAS Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professorship Programme (Master) University of Bristol Institute for Advanced Studies, Reino Unido
2017/01 - 2017/05 Glocal Performance/ Contemporary Migrant Theatre-Making Contemporary Social and Political Performance (English-taught MA and PhD programme) (Doctor of Philosophy) Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Teatro, Portugal
2010/09/01 - 2013/01/01 Approaches to Theatre and Performance (first year module) Performance Histories (second year module) Group Tutorial (second year module) BA in Theatre and Performance (Bachelor) University of Bristol Department of Drama Theatre Film and Television, Reino Unido

Membro de associação

Nome da associação Tipo de participação
2020/02 - Atual Migration Mobilities Bristol, University of Bristol (specialist institute) Institute member
2018/01 - Atual Migrant Dramaturgies International Research Network Board Director
2018 - Atual European Association for the Study of Theatre and Performance (EASTAP) Member
2018 - Atual Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA) Member of the Directing and Dramaturgy Working Group
2014 - Atual International Network of Italian Theatre (INIT) Network Member
2008 - Atual International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR) Member of the Translation, Adaptation and Dramaturgy Working Group


Tópico Nome do aluno
2017/01 - 2017/05 Theatre-making with refugees Rebeca Steingraber (PhD Student)
2017/01 - 2017/05 Postdramatic performance in multicultural settings Sajad Yari (PhD Student)


2021 Social Responsibility Award
The University of Manchester, Reino Unido
2019 IAS Benjamin Meaker Award
University of Bristol Institute for Advanced Studies, Reino Unido
2019 Seal of Excellence
European Research Council, Bélgica
2012 Alumni Foundation Award
University of Bristol, Reino Unido
2010 Glynne Wickham Scholarship Award
The Standing Conference of University Drama Departments (SCUDD), Reino Unido
2010 Conference Award
The Society for Theatre Research, Reino Unido
2007 Pro Philosophia Research Award
Pro Philosophia Foundation, Roménia

Outra distinção

2018 IFTR Bursary
International Federation for Theatre Research, Estados Unidos