Artigo em conferência |
- Almeida, R.; Silva, N.A.; Vasconcelos, A.. "A machine learning approach for real time prediction of last minute medical appointments
no-shows". 2021.
- Alves, H.; da Silva, A.R.; Vasconcelos, A.. "A Reference Motivation Layer for Smart Health - an Enterprise Architecture Approach".
- Belchior, R.; Vasconcelos, A.; Correia, M.; Hardjono, T.. "Enabling Cross-Jurisdiction Digital Asset Transfer". 2021.
- Casaca, F.; Vasconcelos, A.. "Systematic Selection and Prioritization of Communication Channels in the Healthcare Sector".
- Teixeira, C.; Vasconcelos, A.; Sousa, P.; Marques, Ma.J.. "Enterprise Architecture Patterns for GDPR Compliance". 2021.
- Coelho, M.D.; Vasconcelos, A.; Sousa, P.. "Privacy by Design Enterprise Architecture Patterns". 2021.
- Vasconcelos, André. "A User Centred Approach in the Implementation of Mobile Marketing in Health Applications". 2020.
- Cidres, E.; Vasconcelos, A.; Leiteao, F.. "Cloud calculator: A cloud assessment tool for the public administration". 2020.
- Mascate, M.; Vasconcelos, A.. "E-business reference modelling framework for SMEs: An enterprise architecture based approach".
- Cordeiro, G.; Vasconcelos, A.; Fragoso, B.. "Project, program, portfolio governance model reference architecture in the classic
approach to project management". 2020.
- Mesquita, A.; Vasconcelos, A.. "Heuristics' library for programs, projects and portfolios alignment,Biblioteca de Heurísticas
para o alinhamento de Projetos, Programas e Portfólios com a Arquitetura Empresarial". 2020.
- Fernandes, T.F.B.; Vasconcelos, A.. "A user centred approach in the implementation of mobile marketing in health applications".
- da Fonseca Ribeiro, M.I.; Vasconcelos, A.. "MedBlock: Using blockchain in health healthcare application based on blockchain
and smart contracts". 2020.
- Paiva, M.; Vasconcelos, A.; Fragoso, B.. "Using enterprise architecture to model a reference architecture for industry 4.0".
- Belchior, R.; Putz, B.; Pernul, G.; Correia, M.; Vasconcelos, A.; Guerreiro, S.. "SSIBAC: Self-sovereign identity based access
control". 2020.
- Serranito, D.; Vasconcelos, A.; Guerreiro, S.; Correia, M.. "Blockchain Ecosystem for Verifiable Qualifications". 2020.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Records management support in the interoperability framework for the Portuguese public administration".
- Vasconcelos, André. "JusticeChain: Using blockchain to protect justice logs". 2019.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Microservice Architecture from Enterprise Architecture Management Perspective". 2019.
- Vasconcelos, André. "On the Roles of Project, Program and Portfolio Governance". 2019.
- Vasconcelos, André. "The role of enterprise architecture management to govern microservice architecture adoption". 2019.
- Vasconcelos, André. "The role of enterprise architecture management to govern microservice architecture adoption". 2019.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Evaluating use cases suitability for conversational user interfaces". 2019.
- Pinheiro, C.; Vasconcelos, A.; Guerreiro, S.. "The role of enterprise architecture management to govern microservice architecture
adoption". 2019.
- do Rosário Valverde, M.S.; Couto e Vasconcelos, A.F.F.. "Chatbot in the online provision of government services". 2019.
- Semedo, P.C.L.; Vasconcelos, A.. "Exchange communication point modeling in the context of the enterprise architecture". 2019.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Alignment between organization projects and strategic objectives". 2018.
- Vasconcelos, André. "MedClick health recommendation algorithm: Recommending healthcare professionals handling patient preferences
and medical specialties". 2018.
- Garcia, I.; Vasconcelos, A.; Fragoso, B.. "Alignment between organization projects and strategic objectives". 2018.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Rules for validation of models of enterprise architecture: Rules of checking and correction of temporal
inconsistencies among elements of the enterprise architecture". 2017.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Inconsistencies in information security roles". 2016.
- Catarino, T.; Fragoso, B.; Da Silva, M.M.; Vasconcelos, A.. "Inconsistencies in information security roles". 2016.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Information Reference Architecture for the Portuguese Health Sector". 2015.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Towards a reference enterprise application architecture for the customer relationship management domain".
- Vasconcelos, André. "EXtreme enterprise architecture planning". 2014.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Architecture principles compliance analysis". 2014.
- Vasconcelos, André. "E-Strategy: An enterprise engineer approach to strategic management". 2014.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Extreme enterprise architecture planning (XEAP): Extrapolating agile characteristics to the development
of enterprise architectures". 2014.
- Pereira, R.; Vasconcelos, A.. "E-Strategy: An enterprise engineer approach to strategic management". 2014.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Using multi-criteria analysis to evaluate enterprise architecture scenarios". 2012.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Executing enterprise dynamic systems control with the demo processor: The business transactions transition
space validation". 2012.
- Vasconcelos, André. "A bottom-up approach for the representation and continuous update of Technology Architectures". 2012.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Enterprise dynamic systems control enforcement of run-time business transactions". 2012.
- Vieira, T.; Vasconcelos, A.; Da Silva, M.M.. "Evaluating enterprise architectures for integrating European public administrations".
- Cansado, F.; Vasconcelos, A.; Santos, G.. "Using multi-criteria analysis to evaluate enterprise architecture scenarios". 2012.
- Guerreiro, S.; Vasconcelos, A.; Tribolet, J.. "Enforcing control in the run-time business transactions". 2012.
- "SimplexIS : Evaluating the Impact of e-Gov Simplification Measures in the Information System Architecure". 2012.
- Vasconcelos, André. "A reference architecture for records management". 2011.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Detecção e Identificação em Tempo-Real de Padrões de Comportamento Anómalos em Grandes Grupos de Utilizadores".
- Vasconcelos, André. "From Strategy to Information Systems". 2011.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Metodologias TIC e Gestão da Informática na Administração Pública e Sector Empresarial Português". 2011.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Arquitecturas de Sistemas de Informação de Referência para Atendimento Multicanal na Administração Pública".
- Vasconcelos, André. "Fuzzy logic based quality of service models". 2011.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Using an Enterprise Ontology Approach in the Definition of the Enterprise Information Architecture".
- Vasconcelos, André. "Dynamic business transactions control: An ontological example: Organizational access control with DEMO".
- Vasconcelos, André. "Evaluating the impact of SIMPLEX measures 2009/2010 in Information Systems Architecture". 2011.
- Guerreiro, S.; Vasconcelos, A.; Tribolet, J.. "Dynamic business transactions control: An ontological example: Organizational
access control with DEMO". 2011.
- Antunes, J.; Vasconcelos, A.; Tribolet, J.. "Fuzzy logic based quality of service models". 2011.
- Soares, J.; Tribolet, J.; Vasconcelos, A.. "A bottom-up approach for the representation and continuous update of technology
architectures in public administration". 2011.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Adaptive access control modes enforcement in organizations". 2010.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Methodologies of support to the execution of Risk Management". 2010.
- Vasconcelos, André. "IT Architecture automatic verification: A network evidence-based approach". 2010.
- Vasconcelos, André. "SIMPLEXIS: Evaluating egov measures using an information system architecture approach". 2010.
- Cavaleiro, J.; Vasconcelos, A.; Pedro, A.F.. "A framework for estimating the environmental costs of the technological architecture:
An approach to reducing the organizational impact on environment". 2010.
- Costa, P.; Vasconcelos, A.; Tribolet, J.. "SIMPLEXIS: Evaluating egov measures using an information system architecture approach".
- Cavaleiro, J.; Vasconcelos, A.. "Proposal for a new IT energy consumption estimation model non-reliant on the hardware architecture".
- Vasconcelos, André. "A bottom-up approach for the representation and continuous update of technology architectures". 2009.
- Gomes, B.; Vasconcelos, A.; Sousa, P.. "An enterprise ontology approach for defining enterprise information architecture".
- Soares, J.; Tribolet, J.; Vasconcelos, A.. "A bottom-up approach for the representation and continuous update of technology
architectures". 2009.
- Guerreiro, S.; Vasconcelos, A.; Tribolet, J.. "Applying control systems state of the art to organizational engineering". 2008.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Information System Architecture Evaluation: From Software to Enterprise Level Approaches". 2005.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Using organizational modeling to evaluate health care IS/IT projects". 2004.
- Vasconcelos, André. "An information system architectural framework for enterprise application integration". 2004.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Open issues on information system architecture research domain: The vision". 2004.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Web Services como Tecnologia de Suporte a Processo de Negócio". 2004.
- Vasconcelos, A.; Da Silva, M.M.; Fernandes, A.; Tribolet, J.. "An information system architectural framework for enterprise
application integration". 2004.
- Vasconcelos, A.; Pereira, C.M.; Sousa, P.; Tribolet, J.. "Open issues on information system architecture research domain:
The vision". 2004.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Information System Architectures: Representation, Planning and Evaluation". 2003.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Information system architectures". 2003.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Arquitectura de Sistemas de Informação: A Ferramenta de Alinhamento Negócio/Sistemas de Informação".
- Vasconcelos, André. "From Strategy to Information Systems: a Business Process Oriented Framework". 2003.
- Vasconcelos, André. "A framework for modeling strategy, business processes and information systems". 2001.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Business processes extensions to UML profile for business modeling". 2001.
- Vasconcelos, André. "From Business to System Components: An Integrated Framework". 2001.
- Mendes, R.; Vasconcelos, A.; Caetano, A.; Neves, J.; Sinogas, P.; Tribolet, J.. "Representing business strategy through goal
modeling". 2001.
- Neves, J.; Vasconcelos, A.; Caetano, A.; Sinogas, P.; Mendes, R.; Tribolet, J.. "Unified resource modeling: Integrating knowledge
into business processes". 2001.
- Sinogas, P.; Vasconcelos, A.; Caetano, A.; Neves, J.; Mendes, R.; Tribolet, J.. "Business processes extensions to UML profile
for business modeling". 2001.
Artigo em revista |
- Rafael Belchior; Limaris Torres; Jonas Pfannschmidt; André Vasconcelos; Miguel Correia. "BUNGEE: Dependable Blockchain Views
for Interoperability". Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice (2024):
- Rafael Belchior; Luke Riley; Thomas Hardjono; André Vasconcelos; Miguel Correia. "Do You Need a Distributed Ledger Technology
Interoperability Solution?". Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice (2023):
- Rafael Belchior; Peter Somogyvari; Jonas Pfannschmidt; André Vasconcelos; Miguel Correia. "Hephaestus: Modeling, Analysis,
and Performance Evaluation of Cross-Chain Transactions". IEEE Transactions on Reliability (2023):
- Rafael Belchior; Sérgio Guerreiro; André Vasconcelos; Miguel Correia. "A survey on business process view integration: past,
present and future applications to blockchain". Business Process Management Journal 28 3 (2022): 713-739.
- Belchior, R.; Vasconcelos, A.; Correia, M.; Hardjono, T.. "HERMES: Fault-tolerant middleware for blockchain interoperability".
Future Generation Computer Systems 129 (2022): 236-251.
- Ferreira, I.; Vasconcelos, A.. "A supervised learning model for medical appointments no-show management". International
Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 14 1 (2022): 90-104.
- Belchior, R.; Vasconcelos, A.; Guerreiro, S.; Correia, M.. "A Survey on Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future
Trends". ACM Computing Surveys 54 8 (2022):
- Costa, J.; Vasconcelos, A.; Fragoso, B.. "An enterprise architecture approach for assessing the alignment between projects
and goals". International Journal of Information Technology Project Management 11 3 (2020): 55-76.
- Sousa, D.M.; Vasconcelos, A.. "Last minute medical appointments no-show management". International Journal of Healthcare
Information Systems and Informatics 15 4 (2020): 18-37.
- Vasconcelos, André. "A Blockchain Use Case for Car Registration". Essentials of Blockchain Technology (2019): 205-205.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Ticapp – Digital transformation in the Portuguese government". ICEIS 2019 - Proceedings of the 21st
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2 (2019): 612-619.
- Vasconcelos, André. "MedClick: Last minute medical appointments no-show management". HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International
Conference on Health Informatics, Proceedings; Part of 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems
and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2019 (2019): 206-215.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Gestão da arquitetura empresarial na governação de microsserviços". RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas
e Tecnologias de Informação 35 (2019): 86-100.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Business process support in the context of records management". ICEIS 2019 - Proceedings of the 21st
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2 (2019): 25-35.
- Vasconcelos, André. "A Method for Implementing the CISO's Role Using COBIT 5 for Information Security in ArchiMate”". ISACA
Journal 5 (2019):
- Pinheiro, C.R.; Guerreiro, S.; Vasconcelos, A.. "Enterprise architecture management in microservice governance,Gestão da arquitetura
empresarial na governação de microsserviços". RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao 2019
35 (2019): 86-100.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Enterprise Information Architecture Patterns for Government". Journal of Enterprise Architecture
14 1 (2018): 53-66.
- "Enterprise Information Architecture Patterns for Government". Journal of Enterprise Architecture – Volume 14, 1 14,
N.o 1 June (2018): 1-12.{\%}2BHE5pTp1ZLu0eGT1tTR28jqzaLXyajL2dTV482lyNzZoJmu5NS8q{\%}2BnpkKU{\%}3D{\&}DestinationURL=http{\%}3A{\%}2F{\%}{\%}2Flogin.aspx{\%}3Fdirect{\%}3Dtrue{\%}26db{\%}3Dbsu{\%}26AN{\%}3D117204914{\%}26s.
- Vasconcelos, André. "The role of the chief information security officer in the management of IT security". Information
and Computer Security 25 3 (2017): 300-329.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Aplicação Do Conceito De Metacontingência No Campo Da Economia Comportamental E Administração Pública
Em Periódicos Nacionais Da Análise Do Comportamento". Enciclopédia Biosfera 13 24 (2016): 1795-1808.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Information Reference Architecture for the Portuguese Health Sector". Journal of Enterprise Architecture
12 3 (2016): 11-26.
- Vasconcelos, André. "A reference application architecture for the CRM domain: The Portuguese citizen space case study". International
Journal of Enterprise Information Systems 11 2 (2015): 24-49.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Survey on Important Cloud Service Provider Attributes Using the SMI Framework". Procedia Technology
9 (2013): 253-259.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Enforcing control in the run-time business transactions". Advances in Enterprise Information Systems
II (2012): 69-80.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Evaluating enterprise architectures for integrating European public administrations". Proceedings
of the European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2012 (2012): 242-253.
- Vasconcelos, André. "SimplexIS : Evaluating the Impact of e-Gov Simplification Measures in the Information System Architecure".
International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering 6 3 (2012): 730-735.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Evaluating information systems: Constructing a model processing framework". International Journal
of Enterprise Information Systems 6 3 (2010): 17-32.
- Vasconcelos, André. "A framework for estimating the environmental costs of the technological architecture: An approach to
reducing the organizational impact on environment". ICEIS 2010 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise
Information Systems 3 ISAS (2010): 451-455.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Enterprise Architecture Analysis - An Information System Evaluation Approach". Enterprise Modelling
and Information Systems Architectures 3 2 (2008): 31-53.{\&}{\&}groupId=1{\&}{\&}contentType=JournalMembers{\&}issue=5{\&}showAbstract=31.
- Vasconcelos, André; Sousa, Pedro; Tribolet, José. "Enterprise Architecture Analysis". Enterprise Modelling and Information
Systems Architectures Special Is (2008):
- Vasconcelos, André. "Da framework CEO à auditoria de sistemas de informação". ResearchGate 17 (2007):
- Vasconcelos, André. "Information System Architecture Metrics: an Enterprise Engineering Evaluation Approach". The Electronic
Journal Information Systems Evaluation 10 1 (2007): 91-122.
- Vasconcelos, André; Sousa, Pedro; Tribolet, José. "Um perfil para modelação de Arquitecturas dos Sistemas de Informação".
CEO-Centro de Engenharia Organizacional, INESC (2003):
Capítulo de livro |
- Sousa, P.; Vasconcelos, A.. "Founding Concepts". 19-28. 2022.
- Vasconcelos, A.. "Enterprise Strategy Design". 169-183. 2022.
- Guerreiro, S.; Vasconcelos, A.; Sousa, P.. "Business Process Design". 185-210. 2022.
- Vasconcelos, A.; Sousa, P.. "Enterprise Architecture Development Framework". 159-168. 2022.
- Vasconcelos, A.; Sousa, P.. "Enterprise Architecture". 29-77. 2022.
- Vasconcelos, A.; Sousa, P.. "Enterprise Architecture Patterns and Principles". 79-140. 2022.
- Sousa, P.; Vasconcelos, A.. "Information Architecture Design". 211-226. 2022.
- Vasconcelos, A.; Sousa, P.. "Enterprise Architecture Case Projects". 295-319. 2022.
- Vasconcelos, A.; Sousa, P.. "Information Systems Architecture Design". 227-263. 2022.
- Sousa, P.; Vasconcelos, A.. "A Method for Enterprise Cartography". 265-292. 2022.
- Gonçalo Cordeiro; André Vasconcelos; Bruno Fragoso. "Reference Architecture for Project, Program and Portfolio Governance".
804-832. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
- Tiago Fernandes; André Vasconcelos. "Mobile Marketing in Health: User Experience Guiding the Implementation of a Medical Booking
Application". 2021.
- Catarina Viegas; André Vasconcelos; José Borbinha; Zaida Chora. "A Canonical Data Model for Records Management in the Portuguese
Public Administration". 210-249. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
- João Pires; André Vasconcelos; José Borbinha. "Business Layer: An Enterprise Approach for Workflow Engine and Record Management
Systems Integration". 134-153. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Enterprise Information Architecture Patterns for Government". 2016.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Enterprise architecture modeling with the unified modeling language". 69-96. IGI Global, 2006.
- Vasconcelos, André. "An Object-Oriented Framework for Goal and Process Modeling". 225-234. Springer, London, 2001.
- Vasconcelos, André. "Understanding Strategy: a Goal Modeling Methodology". 437-446. Springer, London, 2001.