Artigo em conferência |
- Régis Santos; Peixoto, Ualerson I.; Ribeiro, Morgan; Medeiros-Leal, W. ; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, Mario. Autor correspondente:
Régis Santos. "A comparative analysis of fishers' experiential knowledge and available scientific data on fish population
trends in the Azores.". Trabalho apresentado em ICES Annual Science Conference 2022, Dublin, 2022.
- Medeiros-Leal, W. ; Peixoto, Ualerson I.; Régis Santos; Ribeiro, Morgan; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, Mario. Autor correspondente:
Régis Santos. "From shallow to deep water: performance of length-based assessment of the fiheries stocks in the Azores". Trabalho
apresentado em ICES Annual Science Conference 2022, Dublin, 2022.
- Ualerson I. Peixoto; Inês Pereira; Ribeiro, Morgan; Medeiros-Leal, W. ; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, Mario; Régis Santos. Autor
correspondente: Ualerson I. Peixoto. "The triple bottom line to assess the performance of demersal small-scale fishery in
the Azores". Trabalho apresentado em 4th World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (4WSFC), 2022.
- Medeiros-Leal, W. ; Ualerson I. Peixoto; Ribeiro, Morgan; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, Mario; Régis Santos. Autor correspondente:
Medeiros-Leal, W.. "Estimating the biomass of priority exploited fishery stocks in the Azores". Trabalho apresentado em 4th
World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (4WSFC), 2022.
- Régis Santos; Medeiros-Leal, W. ; Ualerson I. Peixoto; Ribeiro, Morgan; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, Mario. Autor correspondente:
Régis Santos. "Length-based estimates of growth and mortality of seven data-limited fishes in the Azores". Trabalho apresentado
em FSBI 2022 Annual Symposium, Nottingham, 2022.
- Régis Santos; Ribeiro, Morgan; Ualerson I. Peixoto; Medeiros-Leal, W. ; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, Mario. "Fishers' Experiential
Knowledge about Biological Traits of Commercial Marine Species in the Azores". Trabalho apresentado em The IX Iberian Congress
of Ichthyology, Porto, 2022.
Publicado • 10.3390/blsf2022013015
- Ribeiro, Morgan; Ualerson I. Peixoto; Medeiros-Leal, W. ; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, Mario; Régis Santos. Autor correspondente:
Ribeiro, Morgan. "Lessons for first-time video makers: suggestions and guidance for producing low budget science communication
videos". Trabalho apresentado em 10ª edição do Congresso Anual de Comunicação de Ciência - SciComPt, Ponta Delgada,
- Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Santos, R.V.S.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Silva, H.; Pinho, M.. "Population strucuture of the European conger
(Conger conger) from the Azores: Can we consider a local stock?". Trabalho apresentado em 42nd CIESM Congress, Cascais,
- Santos, R.S.V.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Silva, H.; Pinho, M.. "Stock structure of the common mora in the mid-North
Atlantic (Azores archipelago)". Trabalho apresentado em XX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies (SIEBM XX),
Braga, 2019.
Publicado • 10.3389/conf.fmars.2019.08.00179
- Santos, R.V.S.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Silva, H.; Pinho, M.. "Demersal fish assemblages on seamounts potentially
explored by fishing in the northeastern Atlantic". Trabalho apresentado em XVI European Congress of Ichthyology, Lausane,
Publicado • 10.3389/conf.fmars.2019.07.00002
Artigo em revista |
- Wendell Medeiros-Leal; Régis Santos; Ualerson I. Peixoto; Morgan Casal-Ribeiro; Ana Novoa-Pabon; Michael F. Sigler; Mário
Pinho. "Performance of length-based assessment in predicting small-scale multispecies fishery sustainability". Reviews
in Fish Biology and Fisheries (2023):
- Ualerson Iran Peixoto; Morgan Casal-Ribeiro; Wendell M. Medeiros-Leal; Ana Novoa-Pabon; Mário Pinho; Régis Santos. "Scientific
and Fisher’s Knowledge-Based Ecological Risk Assessment: Combining Approaches to Determine the Vulnerability of Fisheries
Stocks". Sustainability (2022):
- Wendell Medeiros-Leal; Régis Santos; Ana Novoa-Pabon; Eduardo Isidro; Octávio Melo; Mário Pinho; Jill Chiu. "Using life-history
traits to predict the vulnerability to overexploitation in soldier striped shrimps". Marine and Freshwater Research
73 4 (2022): 561-570.
- Wendell Medeiros-Leal; Régis Santos; Ana Novoa-Pabon; Hélder Silva; Mario Pinho. "Population structure of the European conger
Conger conger from the mid-North Atlantic Ocean inferred from bathymetric distribution, length composition and movement patterns
analyses". Fisheries Management and Ecology (2021):
- Crespo, O.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Pinho, Mario; Santos, R. V. S.. "Error distribution models to standardize
LPUE, CPUE and survey-derived catch rates of target and non-target species". ICES Journal of Marine Science (2021):
Submetido • 10.3390/modelling3010001
- Silva, Priscila; Krug, Helena; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Rui Pinho, M.. "Variability of Natural Mortality Estimates - the Case of Selected
Demersal/Deep Water Species from Azores (ICES Xa2)". JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND ENVIRONMENT 45 2 (2021): 18-31.
- Régis Santos; Wendell Medeiros-Leal; Osman Crespo; Ana Novoa-Pabon; Mário Pinho. "Contributions to Management Strategies in
the NE Atlantic Regarding the Life History and Population Structure of a Key Deep-Sea Fish (Mora Moro)". Biology 10
6 (2021): 522-522.
- Santos, R.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Crespo, O.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, M.. "Contributionn on life-history and population structure
of a key deep-sea fish (Mora moro) to conservation strategies in the NE Atlantic. Biology.". Biology (2021):
Em revisão
- Régis Santos; Wendell Medeiros-Leal; Ana Novoa-Pabon; Hélder Silva; Mário Pinho. "Demersal fish assemblages on seamounts exploited
by fishing in the Azores (NE Atlantic)". Journal of Applied Ichthyology (2021):
- Régis Santos; Wendell Medeiros-Leal; Ana Novoa-Pabon; Mário Pinho; Eduardo Isidro; Octávio Melo. "Unraveling distributional
patterns and life-history traits of a deep-water shrimp Plesionika edwardsii (Decapoda, Pandalidae) under unexploited virgin
conditions: a benchmark for fisheries management". Nauplius 29 (2021):
- Santos, R. V. S.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Crespo, O.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, Mario. "Contributions on life-history and population
structure of a key deep-sea fish (Mora moro) to conservation strategies in the NE Atlantic". Biology (2021):
- Mário Pinho; Wendell Medeiros-Leal; Michael Sigler; Régis Santos; Ana Novoa-Pabon; Gui Menezes; Hélder Silva. "Azorean demersal
longline survey abundance estimates: Procedures and variability". Regional Studies in Marine Science 39 (2020): 101443-101443.
- Régis Santos; Ana Novoa-Pabon; Hélder Silva; Mário Pinho. "Elasmobranch species richness, fisheries, abundance and size composition
in the Azores archipelago (NE Atlantic)". Marine Biology Research 16 2 (2020): 103-116.
- Régis Santos; Ana Pabon; Wendell Silva; Hélder Silva; Mário Pinho. "Population structure and movement patterns of blackbelly
rosefish in the NE Atlantic Ocean (Azores archipelago)". Fisheries Oceanography (2020):
- Pinho, M.; Santos, R.; Melo, O.; Isidro, E.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.. "Estimates of biomass and potential yield
for the deep-water red crab Chaceon affinis and the toothed rock crab Cancer bellianus (Decapoda: Brachyura) off the Azores
(Mid-North Atlantic)". Arquipelago Life and Marine Sciences 37 (2020): 21-36.
- Santos, R.V.S.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Silva, H.; Pinho, M.. "Long-term changes in the diversity, abundance
and size composition of deep sea demersal teleosts from the Azores assessed through surveys and commercial landings". Aquatic
Living Resources 32 (2019): 25.
Publicado • 10.1051/alr/2019022
- Régis V. S. Santos; Ana M. Novoa-Pabon; Hélder M. Silva; Mário R. Pinho. "Can we consider the stocks of alfonsinos Beryx splendens
and Beryx decadactylus from the Azores a discrete fishery management unit?". Journal of Fish Biology (2019):
Documento de trabalho |
- Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Santos, R.V.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Silva, H.; Pinho, M.. 2021. "Updating Survey-derived information for deep-water
species from the Azores (ICES Subdivision 27.10.a.2).".
- Santos, R.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, M.. 2020. "Updated standardized CPUE for Beryx decadactylus caught
by bottom longline fleet in the Azores (ICES Subdivision 27.10.a.2), 1990-2017. Working Document (WD). ICES Working Group
on Biology and Assessment of Deep-sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP), 24 April to 01 May 2020".
- Santos, R.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, M.. 2020. "Updated standardized CPUE for Beryx spp. (alf.27.nea)
caught by bottom longline fleet in the Azores (ICES Subdivision 27.10.a.2), 1990-2017. Working Document (WD). ICES Working
Group on Biology and Assessment of Deep-sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP), 24 April to 01 May 2020.".
- Santos, R.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, M.. 2020. "Updated standardized CPUE for Helicolenus dactylopterus
caught by bottom longline fleet in the Azores (ICES Subdivision 27.10.a.2), 1990-2017. Working Document (WD). ICES Working
Group on Biology and Assessment of Deep-sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP), 24 April to 01 May 2020.".
- Novoa-Pabon, A.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Pinho, M.; Santos, R.V.. 2020. "Updated standardized CPUE for blackspot seabream (sbr.27.10)
caught by bottom longline fleet in the Azores (ICES Subdivision 27.10.a.2), 1990-2017. Working Document (WD). ICES Working
Group on Biology and Assessment of Deep-sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP), 24 April to 01 May 2020".
- Santos, R.V.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, M.. 2020. "Updated standardized CPUE for Conger conger caught by
bottom longline fleet in the Azores (ICES Subdivision 27.10.a.2), 1990-2017. Working Document (WD). ICES Working Group on
Biology and Assessment of Deep-sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP), 24 April to 01 May 2020.".
- Santos, R.V.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, M.. 2020. "Updated standardized CPUE for Beryx splendens caught
by bottom longline fleet in the Azores (ICES Subdivision 27.10.a.2), 1990-2017. Working Document (WD). ICES Working Group
on Biology and Assessment of Deep-sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP), 24 April to 01 May 2020.".
- Santos, R.V.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, M.. 2020. "Updated standardized CPUE for Polyprion americanus caught
by bottom longline fleet in the Azores (ICES Subdivision 27.10.a.2), 1990-2017. Working Document (WD). ICES Working Group
on Biology and Assessment of Deep-sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP), 24 April to 01 May 2020".
- Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Santos, R.V.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Silva, H.; Pinho, M.. 2020. "Data from deep-water fishery of the Azores
(ICES subdivision 27.10.a.2)".
- Santos, R.V.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, M.. 2020. "Updated standardized CPUE for Raja clavata caught by
bottom longline fleet in the Azores (ICES Subdivision 27.10.a.2), 1990-2017. Working Document (WD). ICES Working Group on
Elasmobranch Fishes (WGEF), 16-25 June 2020".
Poster em conferência |
- Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Crespo, O.; Pinho, Mario; Santos, R. V. S.. "A guidance for stock assessment in the
Azores based on the ICES MSY framework". Trabalho apresentado em World Fisheries Congress, 2021.
- Crespo, O.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, Mario; Silva, H.; Santos, R. V. S.. "Spatial distribution and movement
patterns of thornback ray Raja clavata in the Azores based on survey-derived abundances and conventional tagging data". Trabalho
apresentado em FSBI Symposium: Fish, Fisheries and Ecosystems in the Anthropocene, 2021.
- Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Santos, R.V.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Isidro, E.; Melo, O.; Pinho, M.R.. "Population dynamics and stock assessment
of the soldier striped shrimp Plesionika edwarsii (Brandt, 1851) in the mid-north Atlantic Ocean (Azores Archipelago)". Trabalho
apresentado em Shellfish Symposium, 2019.
- Santos, R.V.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, M.R.; Isidro, E.; Melo, O.. "Biological and ecological aspects
of unexploited virgin Pleisionika edwardsii (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pandalidae) populations in the mid-North Atlantic". Trabalho
apresentado em Shellfish Symposium, 2019.
- Santos, R.V.S.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Pinho, Mario; Isidro, E.; Melo, O.. "Biological and ecological aspects
of unexploited virgin Plesionika edwardsii (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pandalidae) populations in the Mid-North Atlanthic". Trabalho
apresentado em Shellfish Symposium, 2019.
Relatório |
- Régis Santos; Ualerson I. Peixoto; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Ribeiro, Morgan; Medeiros-Leal, W. ; Hélder Silva; Pinho, Mario. Autor
correspondente: Régis Santos. 2022. Relatório de I Workshop Colaborativo Pescaz.
- Santos, R. V. S.; Crespo, O.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Silva, H.; Pinho, Mario. 2020. Relatório de reunião
do projeto PESCAz - Pescarias sustentáveis nos Açores.
- Santos, R.V.S; Crespo, O.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Silva, H.; Pinho, M.. 2020. Relatório de reunião do projeto
PESCAz – Pescarias sustentáveis nos Açores (ref. MAR-01.03.02-FEAMP-0039), novembro 2020.
- Santos, R.V.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Pinho, M.R.. 2018. Avaliação 2018 do Estado Ambiental - Descritor 3
- Diretiva - Quadro Estratégia Marinha - Subdivisão Açores.
Resumo em conferência |
- Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Santos, R. V. S.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Crespo, O.; Pinho, Mario. "Life-history parameters as possible discriminators
of commercial fish and shellfish populations in Azorean waters". Trabalho apresentado em World Fisheries Congress,
Adelaide, 2021.
Em revisão
- Crespo, O.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Pinho, Mario; Santos, R. V. S.. "Best statistical model for standardizing
LPUE, CPUE, and survey-derived abundance data of target and bycatch species". Trabalho apresentado em FSBI Symposium: Fish,
Fisheries and Ecosystems in the Anthropocene, Leuven, 2021.
Em revisão
- Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Santos, R.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Silva. H.; Pinho, M.. "Small-scale fishing in the Azores: Fleet operation
regime and catch composition from 1980 to 2018". Trabalho apresentado em World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide,
Em revisão
- Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Santos, R.V.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Silva, H.; Pinho, M.. "Azorean spring bottom longline survey (ARQDAÇO)".
Trabalho apresentado em Ocean Governance in Archipelagic Regions - International Conference, Horta, 2020.
- Santos. R.V.S.; Sigler. M.; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Isidro, E.; Melo, O.; Larose, M.; et al. "Bottom longline
survey for demersal deep-water species of the Azores archipelago (ARQDAÇO): guidelines and key recommendations for future
work". Trabalho apresentado em Ocean Governance in Archipelagic Regions - International Conference, Horta, 2020.
- Santos, R.V.S; Novoa-Pabon, A.; Medeiros-Leal, W.M.; Silva, H.; Pinho, M.. "Stock structure of the blackbelly rosefish in
the mid-North Atlantic (Azores archipelago)". Trabalho apresentado em XVI European Congress of Ichthyology, Lausane,
Tese / Dissertação |
- "Modeling population dynamics and assessing the stock status of the blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) in the Azores.".
Doutoramento, Universidade dos Açores - Campus da Horta, 2023.
- Pinho, Mário Rui (Rilhó de); Barros, Pedro Conte; Novoa Pabon, Ana Maria. "Effects of natural mortality on the yield per recruit
models". Mestrado, 2016.
- Novoa Pabon, Ana Maria. "Effects of natural mortality on the yield per recruit models". Mestrado, 2016.