Artigo em conferência |
- Amândio, M. S. T.; Reis, M. A. F. F.; Xavier, A. M. R. B.; Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Valorization of Eucalytpus globulus through
enzymatic hydrolysis". Trabalho apresentado em XXV TECNICELPA - International Forest, Pulp and Paper Conference, XI CIADICYP
– 2021, 2021.
- Viotti, P.V.; Gil, M.H.M.; Vieira, M.F.; Ferreira, P.J.T.; Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Evaluation of the cellulase modification parameters
applied to cellulosic biorefining process.". Trabalho apresentado em XXV TECNICELPA - International Forest, Pulp and Paper
Conference, XI CIADICYP, 2021.
- Mariana S.T. Amândio; Ana M.R.B. Xavier ; Jorge M.S. Rocha. "The effect of solids loading, working volume and operational
mode in the production of cellulosic sugars from Eucalyptus globulus bark kraft pulp". Trabalho apresentado em 8th International
Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice, 2020.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Valorization of lignocellulosic residues: biochemical platform for ethanol production". Trabalho apresentado
em 4th Iberoamerican Congress on Biorefineries (4-CIAB), Jaén, 2018.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Softwood bioconversion to ethanol: pretreatment and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation". Trabalho
apresentado em 15th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, Aveiro, 2018.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass with green solventes". Trabalho apresentado em XXIII Tecnicelpa
– International Forest, Pulp and Paper Conference, Porto, 2016.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "The scale-up of the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of primary sludge for ethanol production".
Trabalho apresentado em XXIII Tecnicelpa – International Forest, Pulp and Paper Conference, Porto, 2016.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha; T.R. Silva; M.H. Gil; S.C.S. Pinto; J.A. Lopes da Silva; A.J. Guiomar. "Covalent immobilization of crosslinked
trypsin onto electrospun poly(ethylene terephthalate)/(poly(lactic acid) nanofiber mats". Trabalho apresentado em 12th
International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, ChemPor2014, Porto, 2014.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha; C.V.T. Mendes; Carvalho, M.G.V.S.. "Fermentation in two operation scales of enzymatic hydrolysates of industrial
lignocellulosic materials for the production of bioethanol". Trabalho apresentado em 12th International Chemical and Biological
Engineering Conference, ChemPor2014, Porto, 2014.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Bioconversion of primary sludge from Portuguese pulp and paper mills to fermentable sugars". Trabalho apresentado
em 4th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, NWBC-2012, Helsinquia, 2012.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Primary sludge from pulp and paper mills as a potential raw-material to produce value-added products".
Trabalho apresentado em 45º congresso ABTCP / VII CIADICYP2012, São Paulo, 2012.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Pretreatment of pulp and paper mill primary sludge to enhance its biochemical conversion". Trabalho apresentado
em ANQUE-ICCE 2012 Congress, Sevilha, 2012.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Protein extraction from rapeseed meal: mass balance closure and selection of Bradford method to evaluate
protein in solution". Trabalho apresentado em ANQUE-ICCE 2012 Congress, Sevilha, 2012.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis and ethanolic fermentation of pulp and paper mill residues". Trabalho
apresentado em IAMAW, 1st international workshop - Valorization of mediterranean biowastes and effluents, Santarém,
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Valorisation of rapeseed meal: crucial factors in protein extraction and issues related to protein evaluation
method". Trabalho apresentado em IAMAW, 1st international workshop - Valorization of mediterranean biowastes and effluents,
Santarém, 2012.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Extraction of hemicelluloses prior to kraft cooking: a step for an integrated biorefinery in the pulp mill".
Trabalho apresentado em XXI TECNICELPA Conference and Exhibition / VI Iberoamerican Congress on Pulp and Paper Research
(CIADICYP 2010), Lisboa, 2010.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Perspectivas para a valorização de lamas primárias na indústria de pasta". Trabalho apresentado em XXI
Encontro Nacional TECNICELPA / VI Congresso Iberoamericano de Investigação em Celulose e Papel - CIADICYP 2010, Lisboa,
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Xylose from Eucalyptus globulus wood as a raw material for bioethanol production". 2009.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Influence of light: dark cycle in the cellular composition of Nannochloropsis gaditana". 2009.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Hemicelluloses: from wood to the fermenter". 2009.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Valorização energética das hemiceluloses de Eucalyptus globulus extraídas antes do cozimento". Trabalho
apresentado em V Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigacion en Celulosa y Papel 2008, Guadalajara, 2008.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Treatment of wood hydrolysates for bioethanol production by fermentation". Trabalho apresentado em 10th
International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, Braga, 2008.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Environmental conditions in Nannochloropsis gaditana cultivation for effective aquaculture live feed".
Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, Braga, 2008.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Integration of bioprocesses in polyesters microbial synthesis". Trabalho apresentado em 10th International
Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, Braga, 2008.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Fermentation of wood hydrolysates extracted prior to pulping for valorisation of Eucalyptus globulus hemicelluloses".
Trabalho apresentado em 10th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp, Estocolmo, 2008.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "The Influence of temperature and type of illumination on the biochemical composition and EPA production
of Nannochloropsis gaditana". 2008.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Continuous ethanol fermentation using immobilised yeasts". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International
Chemical Engineering Conference ChemPor, Coimbra, 2005.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "The effects of yeasts immobilisation, on-line feeding and contamination risk, on continuous fermentation
for bioethanol production". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Chemical Engineering Conference ChemPor, Coimbra,
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Continuous ethanol production by flocculent and adhesive yeasts". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International
Chemical Engineering Conference ChemPor, Coimbra, 2005.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Air flow hydrodynamic effects on Nannochloropsis gaditana growth rate". Trabalho apresentado em 9th
International Chemical Engineering Conference ChemPor, Coimbra, 2005.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Development of hydrogels for bone scaffolds". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Chemical Engineering
Conference ChemPor, Coimbra, 2005.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Economical assessment of alternatives for biodiesel production". Trabalho apresentado em 9th International
Chemical Engineering Conference ChemPor, Coimbra, 2005.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Triton X-100 as emulsifier on the lipolytic activity determination". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd Mercosur
Congress on Chemical Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Development of microparticles containing active compounds". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd Mercosur Congress
on Chemical Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Identification of carotenoids and other pigments: new approach in experimental teaching". Trabalho apresentado
em 2nd Mercosur Congress on Chemical Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Optimization of growth and EPA production of the marine microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana as a source
of food and nutraceutical products". Trabalho apresentado em 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Alimentos: Tradição
e Inovação, Saúde e Segurança, Viseu, 2005.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Desenvolvimento de cimentos ósseos com matriz de poliuretana". Trabalho apresentado em Encontro 1, Biomecânica,
Abrantes, 2005.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Evaluation of University Courses: The Pedagogic Effect". Trabalho apresentado em 5th “Toulon Verona”
Conference “Quality in Higher Education, Health Care, Local Government”, Lisboa, 2002.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Ester synthesis with immobilised lipase". Trabalho apresentado em CHEMPOR´2001, 8th International Chemical
Engineering Conference, Aveiro, 2001.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Interesterificação de triglicéridos com lipase imobilizada em copolímero de enxerto de base polietileno".
Trabalho apresentado em III Congresso Ibérico de Biotecnologia (BIOTEC’96), Valladolid, 1996.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Preparação e Caracterização de Copolímero de Enxerto de Base Polietileno. Sua Aplicação na Imobilização
de Lipases". Trabalho apresentado em MATERIAIS’95, Aveiro, 1995.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Enzymatic Synthesis of n-Octyl Oleate with Immobilized Lipase: Ester Yield Optimization". Trabalho apresentado
em Third International Symposium on Biochemical Engineering, Stuttgart, 1995.
Artigo em revista |
- Amândio, Mariana S.T.; Rocha, Jorge M.S.; Xavier, Ana M.R.B.. "Fed-batch SSF with pre-saccharification as a strategy to reduce
enzyme dosage in cellulosic ethanol production". Fuel 357 (2024): 129842.
- Amândio, Mariana S.T.; Jorge M.S. Rocha; Xavier, Ana M.R.B.. "Improving simultaneous saccharification and fermentation by
pre-saccharification and high solids operation for bioethanol production from Eucalyptus globulus bark". Journal of Environmental
Chemical Engineering 11 5 (2023): 110763.
- Mendes, Cátia V. T.; Jorge M.S. Rocha; Carvalho, M. Graça V. S.. "Batch Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of
Primary Sludge at Very High Solid Concentrations for Bioethanol Production". Fermentation 9 10 (2023): 888.
- Amândio, Mariana S. T.; Rocha, Jorge M. S.; Xavier, Ana M. R. B.. "Enzymatic Hydrolysis Strategies for Cellulosic Sugars Production
to Obtain Bioethanol from Eucalyptus globulus Bark". Fermentation 9 3 (2023): 241.
Publicado • 10.3390/fermentation9030241
- Amândio, Mariana S. T.; Pereira, Joana M.; Rocha, Jorge M. S.; Serafim, Luísa S.; Xavier, Ana M. R. B.. "Getting Value from
Pulp and Paper Industry Wastes: On the Way to Sustainability and Circular Economy". Energies 15 11 (2022): 4105.
Publicado • 10.3390/en15114105
- Amândio, Mariana S. T.; Rocha, Jorge M. S.; Serafim, Luísa S.; Xavier, Ana M. R. B.. "Cellulosic Bioethanol from Industrial
Eucalyptus globulus Bark Residues Using Kraft Pulping as a Pretreatment". Energies 14 8 (2021): 2185.
Publicado • 10.3390/en14082185
- Mendes, Cátia Vanessa Teixeira; Vergara, Priscilla; Carbajo, Jose María; Villar, Juan Carlos; Rocha, Jorge Manuel dos Santos;
Carvalho, Maria da Graça Videira de Sousa. "Bioconversion of pine stumps to ethanol: pretreatment and simultaneous saccharification
and fermentation". Holzforschung 74 2 (2020): 212-216.
Publicado • 10.1515/hf-2018-0126
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Bioethanol production from cellulosic fibers: comparison between batch and fed-batch saccharification".
Cellulose Chemistry and Technology 51 3-4 (2017): 291-299.
- Rodrigues, Ivo M; Carvalho, M Graça VS; Rocha, Jorge MS. "Increase of protein extraction yield from rapeseed meal through
a pretreatment with phytase". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97 8 (2016): 2641-2646.
- Mendes, Cátia V.T.; Cruz, Crispin H.G.; Reis, Diana F.N.; Carvalho, M. Graça V.S.; Rocha, Jorge M.S.. "Integrated bioconversion
of pulp and paper primary sludge to second generation bioethanol using Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 26602". Bioresource
Technology 220 (2016): 161-167.
- Mendes, Cátia Vanessa Teixeira; Rocha, Jorge Manuel dos Santos; de Menezes, Fabrícia Farias; Carvalho, Maria da Graça Videira
Sousa. "Batch and fed-batch simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of primary sludge from pulp and paper mills". Environmental
Technology 38 12 (2016): 1498-1506.
Publicado • 10.1080/09593330.2016.1235230
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Immobilization of trypsin onto poly(ethylene terephthalate) / poly(lactic acid) nonwoven nanofiber mats".
Biochem. Eng. J., 104, 48-56 (2015):
- Rodrigues, Ivo Manuel Mira Abreu; Carvalho, M. Graça Videira Sousa; Rocha, Jorge Manuel Santos. "Increasing the Protein Content
of Rapeseed Meal by Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Carbohydrates". BioResources 9 2 (2014): 2010-2025.
Publicado • 10.15376/biores.9.2.2010-2025
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Valorization of residual streams from pulp and paper mills: pretreatment and bioconversion of primary sludge
to bioethanol". Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 53(50), 19398-19404 (2014):
- Forján, E.; Garbayo, I.; Henriques, M.; Rocha, J.; Vega, J.M.; Vílchez, C.. "UV-A Mediated Modulation of Photosynthetic Efficiency,
Xanthophyll Cycle and Fatty Acid Production of Nannochloropsis". Marine Biotechnology 13 3 (2011): 366-375.
- Mendes, C.V.T.; Rocha, J.M.S.; Sousa, G.D.A.; Carvalho, M.G.V.S.. "Extraction of hemicelluloses prior to kraft cooking: A
step for an integrated biorefinery in the pulp mill". O Papel 72 9 (2011): 79-83.
- Mendes, C.V.T.; Carvalho, M.G.V.S.; Baptista, C.M.S.G.; Rocha, J.M.S.; Soares, B.I.G.; Sousa, G.D.A.. "Valorisation of hardwood
hemicelluloses in the kraft pulping process by using an integrated biorefinery concept". Food and Bioproducts Processing
87 3 (2009): 197-207.
- Mendes, C.V.T.; Baptista, C.M.S.G.; Rocha, J.M.S.; Carvalho, M.G.V.S.. "Prehydrolysis of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. hemicelluloses
prior to pulping and fermentation of the hydrolysates with the yeast Pichia stipitis". Holzforschung 63 6 (2009): 737-743.
- Ramalho, A.; Vale Antunes, P.; De Braga Carvalho, M.D.; Gil, H.; Rocha, J.. "Mechanical properties of particle reinforced
resin composites". Materials Science Forum 514-516 PART 1 (2006): 619-623.
- Baptista, C.M.S.G.; Cóias, J.M.A.; Oliveira, A.C.M.; Oliveira, N.M.C.; Rocha, J.M.S.; Dempsey, M.J.; Lannigan, K.C.; Benson,
P.S.. "Natural immobilisation of microorganisms for continuous ethanol production". Enzyme and Microbial Technology
40 1 (2006): 127-131.
- Rocha, J.M.S.; Garcia, J.E.C.; Henriques, M.H.F.. "Growth aspects of the marine microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana". Biomolecular
Engineering 20 4-6 (2003): 237-242.
- Carneiro-da-Cunha, M.G.; Rocha, J.M.S.; Cabral, J.M.S.; Gil, M.H.; Garcia, F.A.P.. "Covalent immobilisation of lipase on different
supports". Latin American Applied Research 32 1 (2002): 69-72.
- Rocha, J.M.S.; Gil, M.H.; Garcia, F.A.P.. "New polymeric supports can improve enzymatic catalysis in non-conventional media".
Key Engineering Materials 230-232 (2002): 475-478.
- Hejazi, M.A.; De Lamarliere, C.; Rocha, J.M.S.; Vermuë, M.; Tramper, J.; Wijffels, R.H.. "Selective extraction of carotenoids
from the microalga Dunaliella salina with retention of viability". Biotechnology and Bioengineering 79 1 (2002): 29-36.
- Akkerman, I.; Janssen, M.; Rocha, J.; Wijffels, R.H.. "Photobiological hydrogen production: Photochemical efficiency and bioreactor
design". International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27 11-12 (2002): 1195-1208.
- Barbosa, M.J.; Rocha, J.M.S; Tramper, J.; Wijffels, R.H.. "Acetate as a carbon source for hydrogen production by photosynthetic
bacteria". Journal of Biotechnology 85 1 (2001): 25-33.
- Rocha, J.M.S.; Gil, M.H.; Garcia, F.A.P.. "Optimisation of the enzymatic synthesis of n-octyl oleate with immobilised lipase
in the absence of solvents". Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 74 7 (1999): 607-612.
- Carneiro-da-Cunha, M.G.; Rocha, J.M.S.; Garcia, F.A.P.; Gil, M.H.. "Lipase immobilisation on to polymeric membranes". Biotechnology
Techniques 13 6 (1999): 403-409.
- Ferreira, L.M.; Rocha, J.M.S.; Andrade, M.E.; Gil, M.H.. "Preparation and characterization of polyethylene based graft copolymers.
Applications in the immobilization of enzymes". Radiation Physics and Chemistry 52 1-6 (1998): 207-212.
- Rocha, J.M.S.; Gil, M.H.; Garcia, F.A.P.. "Effects of additives on the activity of a covalently immobilised lipase in organic
media". Journal of Biotechnology 66 1 (1998): 61-67.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Synthesis of n-octyl oleate with lipase from Mucor miehei immobilized onto polyethylene based graft-copolymers".
Biocatalysis (1994):
- Rocha, J.M.S.; Garcia, F.A.P.. "Effect of aot concentration on the colorimetric determination of free fatty acids in a reverse
micellar system". Biotechnology Techniques 6 2 (1992): 131-132.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Cinética de Eléctrodos Semi-Condutores". Portugaliae Electrochem. Acta, 1 (1983): 157-164.
Artigo em revista (magazine) |
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Conversão Bioquímica de correntes secundárias da indústria de pasta e papel para valorização da biomassa
lenhocelulósica – Parte I", Info@tecnicelpa 42 (revista da Associação Portuguesa dos Técnicos das Indústrias de Celulose e
Papel): Biorrefinaria, 2014
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Conversão Bioquímica de correntes secundárias da indústria de pasta e papel para valorização da biomassa
lenhocelulósica – Parte II", Info@tecnicelpa 42 (revista da Associação Portuguesa dos Técnicos das Indústrias de Celulose
e Papel): Biorrefinaria, 2014
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Hidrogénio como combustível: do sonho à realidade", Engenharia Química, 2006,
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Aplicações de agentes tensioactivos em biotecnologia", Boletim de Biotecnologia (Sociedade Portuguesa
de Biotecnologia), 1999
Capítulo de livro |
- Amândio, Mariana S. T.; Rocha, Jorge M. S.; Serafim, Luísa S.; Xavier, Ana M. R. B.. "Bioethanol from Wastes for Mobility:
Europe on the Road to Sustainability". In Energy, Environment, and Sustainability, 97-123. Springer Singapore, 2022.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Immobilisation of yeasts for continuous fermentation". In Communicating Current Research and Educational
Topics and Trends in Applied Microbiology, Microbiology Series nº 1, editado por A. Méndez-Vilas, 418-425. Badajoz, Espanha:
Formatex, 2007.
- Gjølme, Nina; Utkilen, Hans. "Extraction and quantification of pigments from marine microalga: a simple and reproducible method".
In Communicating Current Research and Educational Topics and Trends in Applied Microbiology, Microbiology Series nº 1,
editado por A. Méndez-Vilas, 586-593. Badajoz, Espanha: Formatex, 2007.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Photobiological hydrogen production: photochemical efficiency and bioreactor design". In Bio-methane
& Bio-hydrogen – Status and perspectives of biological methane and hydrogen production, editado por JH Reith, RH Wijffels
and H. Barten, 124-145. Países Baixos: Dutch Biological Hydrogen Foundation, 2003.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Hydrogen production by photosynthetic bacteria: culture media, yields and efficiencies". In Biohydrogen
II, editado por J Miyake, T Matsunaga & A San Pietro, 1-30. Pergamon, 2000.
Tese / Dissertação |
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Lipase Immobilisation onto Polymeric Supports for Biocatalysis in Organic Medium". Doutoramento, Universidade
de Coimbra, 1997.
- Jorge M.S. Rocha. "Biocatalytic Hydrolysis of Triolein". Mestrado, Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, 1988.