I have a bachelor's degree in Communication Studies (2005-2009) and a master's degree in Philosophy (2014-2016) both from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. I attended the undergraduate course in Philosophy (2011-interrupted in 2014) at the same university. I received a PhD in Philosophy (2016-2020) from the Federal University of Paraná. During my undergraduate studies in Communication, my scientific initiation (2007-2009) was funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), linked to the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology. The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), a foundation connected to the Brazilian Ministry of Education, funded my master's and doctoral researches. I am currently a postdoctoral researcher (2020-) at the Federal University of São Paulo. I am a member of the Nietzschean Studies Nucleus (Núcleo de Estudos Nietzschianos/UFPR) and of the Modernity and Cultural History Studies Group (Grupo de Estudos Modernidade e História Cultural/Unifesp). After completing my degree in Communication Studies, I was a contracted researcher at the Laboratory of Studies on Image e Cyberculture of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2011-2012, 2013-2014), contributing to multidisciplinary researches on public opinion, cyberculture and contemporary philosophy. Recently, I was managing editor of the journal Estudos Nietzsche (2017-2021). I am the author of the book "Arte humana, demasiado humana: considerações sobre a fisiologia da estética de Nietzsche" (2019, EdUfes) and of a chapter in the book "O que é opinião pública?" (2021, Escolar Editora). Primary interests: History of Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, and Cultural Critique. Secondary interests: Modern Philosophy, Metaphysics, and Pre-Socratic Philosophy.

Personal identification

Full name
Gabriel Herkenhoff Coelho Moura

Citation names

  • Moura, Gabriel
  • Herkenhoff, Gabriel
  • Herkenhoff Coelho Moura, Gabriel
  • Moura, Gabriel Herkenhoff Coelho

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Degree Classification
2020/10/02 - 2024/09/30
Philosophy (Pós-doutoramento)
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil
2016/03/07 - 2020/05/13
Philosophy (Doctor of Philosophy)
Major in History of Philosophy
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil
"A filosofia mundana de Nietzsche: entrelaçamentos fisiológico-estéticos na crítica à metafísica" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2014/03/10 - 2016/02/18
Philosophy (Master)
Major in Contemporary Philosophy
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
"Arte do consolo deste lado de cá: considerações sobre a fisiologia da estética de Nietzsche" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2011/07/15 - 2014/10/06
Philosophy (Bachelor)
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
2005/03/08 - 2010/05/03
Communication Studies (Bachelor)
Major in Journalism
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
"Internet e opinião: conflitos na opinião pública" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2023/03/01 - Current Auxiliary Researcher (Research) Laboratório de Estudos sobre Imagem e Cibercultura da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Labic/Ufes), Brazil
2020/09/01 - Current Postdoc (Research) Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, Brazil
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, Brazil
2013/02/10 - 2014/03/10 Contracted Researcher (Research) Laboratório de Estudos sobre Imagem e Cibercultura da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Labic/Ufes), Brazil
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - Departamento de Comunicação Social, Brazil
2011/03/02 - 2012/07/15 Contracted Researcher (Research) Laboratório de Estudos sobre Imagem e Cibercultura da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Labic/Ufes), Brazil
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - Departamento de Comunicação Social, Brazil


Host institution
2017/03/16 - 2021/11/30 Managing Editor (Journal) Revista Estudos Nietzsche, Brazil
National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy (ANPOF), Brazil


  1. Moura, Gabriel. Arte humana, demasiado humana: considerações sobre a fisiologia da estética de Nietzsche. Vitória, Brazil: Editora da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (EdUfes). 2019.
Book chapter
  1. Moura, Gabriel. "A opinião pública como elemento de uma nova arte de governar". In O que é opinião pública?. Lisboa, Portugal: Escolar Editora, 2021.
  2. Lima, Fabio Luiz Malini de; Marquez, Alan Cancian; Moura, Gabriel. Corresponding author: Lima, Fabio Luiz Malini de. "La tecnopolítica de las multitudes inteligentes: un análisis del #25S en Twitter". In 15M P2P: Una mirada transdiciplinar del 15M, 346-361. Barcelona, Spain: UOC, 2014.
Book review
  1. Moura, Gabriel. "LIMA, Márcio José Silveira & ITAPARICA, André Luís Mota (Orgs). Verdade e Linguagem em Nietzsche. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2014.". Review of Verdade e Linguagem em Nietzsche 8, 1 (2017): 123-129. https://periodicos.ufes.br/estudosnietzsche/article/view/17791.
Conference paper
  1. Lima, Fabio Luiz Malini de; Goveia, Fábio; Ciarelli, Patrick; Carreira, Lia; Moura, Gabriel. Corresponding author: Lima, Fabio Luiz Malini de. "#VemPraRua: narrativas da revolta brasileira". Paper presented in XII Congresso da Associação Latinoamericana de Investigadores da Comunicação, Lima, 2014.
  2. Moura, Gabriel; Lima, Fabio Luiz Malini de. Corresponding author: Moura, Gabriel. "A ciberpolítica nas eleições municipais de 2008: da obstrução à produtividade da comunicação na rede.". Paper presented in XIV Congresso de Ciências da Comunicação na Região Sudeste, Rio de Janeiro, 2009.
  3. Moura, Gabriel; Lima, Fabio Luiz Malini de. Corresponding author: Moura, Gabriel. "O diálogo público na internet: a disputa pela produção dos sentidos em blogs, comunidades virtuais e mídias sociais nas Eleições 2006". Paper presented in XXXI Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação, Natal, 2008.
Journal article
  1. Moura, Gabriel. "Terra e mundo em obra: crítica à estética e arte como alétheia em Heidegger". Artefilosofia (2023):
    Open access • Submitted
  2. Moura, Gabriel. "A metafísica de artista de Nietzsche: fórmulas kantianas, schopenhauerianas e pré-socráticas em O nascimento da tragédia". Estudos Nietzsche (2023):
    Open access • Accepted
  3. Moura, Gabriel. "A linguagem além da metafísica: uma questão de instinto e estilo em Nietzsche". Dissertatio 57 (2023): 137-161. https://periodicos.ufpel.edu.br/index.php/dissertatio/article/view/24828.
    Open access • Published
  4. Moura, Gabriel. "A restituição do espetáculo do mundo na arte: percepção, expressão e instituição nos ensaios de Merleau-Ponty sobre pintura". Sofia 11 2 (2022): 1-25. https://doi.org/10.47456/sofia.v11i2.37986.
    Open access • 10.47456/sofia.v11i2.37986
  5. Moura, Gabriel. "A vida como jogo e a arte como ofício em Simônides e Nietzsche: a existência do risco na aparência". O que nos faz pensar 30 50 (2022): 38-66. https://oquenosfazpensar.fil.puc-rio.br/oqnfp/article/view/854.
    Open access • Published • 10.32334/oqnfp.2022n50a854
  6. Gabriel Herkenhoff Coelho Moura. "Aspectos filosóficos da narrativa do Ecce homo de Nietzsche: uma perspectiva em autoencenação". Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 3 (2020): 125-144. https://doi.org/10.31977/grirfi.v20i3.1827.
    Open access • 10.31977/grirfi.v20i3.1827
  7. Moura, Gabriel. "Arte com a ótica da vida: algumas relações entre fisiologia, estética e cultura em Nietzsche". Estudos Nietzsche 7 2 (2017): https://periodicos.ufes.br/estudosnietzsche/article/view/15392.
    Open access • Published
  8. Moura, Gabriel. "Arte do consolo deste lado de cá: considerações sobre a arte na filosofia madura de Nietzsche". Revista Trágica: estudos de filosofia da imanência 7 3 (2015): 41-60. https://revistas.ufrj.br/index.php/tragica/article/view/26618.
    Open access • Published
Magazine article
  1. Moura, Gabriel. "O gesto inaugural da arte (e uma visão da época) pelas mãos de Sulawesi", Guaru, 2021, https://revistaguaru.unifesp.br/ensaio/o-gesto-inaugural-da-arte-e-uma-vis%C3%A3o-da-%C3%A9poca-pelas-m%C3%A3os-de-sulawesi.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. "A filosofia mundana de Nietzsche: entrelaçamentos fisiológico-estéticos na crítica à metafísica". PhD, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2020. https://www.prppg.ufpr.br/siga/visitante/trabalhoConclusaoWS?idpessoal=40798&idprograma=40001016039P7&anobase=2020&idtc=104.
  2. "Arte do consolo deste lado de cá: considerações sobre a fisiologia da estética de Nietzsche". Master, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016. https://repositorio.ufes.br/bitstream/10/9377/1/tese_9558_1%20-%20Versao%20Final%20da%20Dissertacao%20-%20Gabriel%20H%20C%20Moura_2.pdf.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2019/03/01 "Nietzsche e o problema da metafísica: breves reflexões sobre o entrelaçamento fisiologia-estética (Nietzsche and the problem of metaphysics: brief notes on the physiology-aesthetic interlacing)". V Colóquio Nietzsche
Núcleo de Estudos Nietzschianos (Curitiba, Brazil)
2018/10/24 "Arte humana, demasiado humana: reflexões sobre fisiologia da arte e autocrítica em Nietzsche (Human, all too human art: reflections on physiology of art and self-criticism in Nietzsche)". My presentation as a selected lecturer was part of the meeting of the Nietzsche Work Group (GT Nietzsche) at the XVIII National Conference of ANPOF, which is the main Brazilian forum for experts on Nietzsche. The lecture focused on the contemporaneity between the project of physiology of art and the consolidation of a self-critical stance in Nietzsche's thinking. XVIII Encontro Nacional da ANPOF
National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy (ANPOF) (Vitória, Brazil)
2018/05/11 "A narrativa de Ecce Homo como questão filosófica: uma perspectiva em autoencenação (Ecce Homo's narrative as a philosophical matter: a perspective in self-staging)". XLI Encontros Nietzsche
Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche (GEN) (Curitiba, Brazil)
2017/09/20 "O vir-a-ser da linguagem como elemento da crítica nietzschiana à metafísica e à cultura moderna (The becoming of language as an element of Nietzsche's critique of metaphysics and modern culture)". XL Encontros Nietzsche
Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche (GEN) (São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil)
2017/03/28 "Relações entre fisiologia, estética e cultura no pensamento de Nietzsche (Relations between physiology, aesthetics and culture in Nietzsche's thought)". Colóquios Nietzsche 2017
Núcleo de Estudos Nietzschianos (Curitiba, Brazil)

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2022/02/10 - 2022/06/10 The Birth of Tragedy 150 Years Later. Hosted by the Graduate Program in Philosophy of the Federal University of São Paulo, the conference will address the cultural and philosophical relevance of The Birth of Tragedy 150 years after its publication. In addition to the organizers Henry Burnett and Ernani Chaves, among the professors who confirmed their participation in the event are João Constâncio, Rodrigo Duarte, Márcio Benchimol, Oscar Quejido, Maria João Branco, Olímpio Pimenta, Scarlett Marton, Oswaldo Giacoia and Claus Zittel. (2022/06/06 - 2022/06/10)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil
2017/11/29 - 2017/12/01 VIII Schopenhauer International Colloquium. International conference focusing on Schopenhauer's philosophy organized by the Schopenhauer Work Group (GT Schopenhauer) of the Brazilian National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy (ANPOF). The event, held in Curitiba (Brazil), consisted of conferences, round tables and minor oral communications. Among the main lecturers were Domenico Fazio, Yukiko Hayashi and Jair Barboza. During the event, I acted as receptionist for one of the conferences and moderator of an oral communications session. (2017/11/29 - 2017/12/01)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy (ANPOF), Brazil
2008/12/10 - 2008/12/12 Politics of Common: Cities, Democracy and Globalization. Held in Vitória (Brazil), it was an international conference on contemporary sociopolitical themes, as inequality, precarious work, crisis and possibilities of democracy, and ambivalence of globalization. The event was hosted by the Federal University of Espírito Santo and the Nomad University Network (Rede Universidade Nômade), with the support of the City Hall of Vitória. Some of the lecturers were the intellectuals Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt, Yann Moulieur-Boutang and Christian Marazzi. (2008/12/10 - 2008/12/12)
Congress (Member of the Organising Committee)
Rede Universidade Nômade, Brazil

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2015/05/12 - 2015/05/14 I Internacional Conference on Critique and Subjectivity. Held in Vitória (Brazil) and dedicated to parallel presentations on Nietzsche and on contemporary French philosophy, the conference was hosted by the Critique and Subjectivity Group of Federal University of Espírito Santo. The main lecturers at the event were the Professors Oswaldo Giacoia, Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, Luiz Damon Santos Moutinho, Antonio Edmilson Paschoal, Henry Burnett and João Constâncio.
I Colóquio Internacional de Crítica e Subjetividade
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
2014/10/20 - 2014/10/23 I International Congress on Arts and Philosophy: Art, Critique, Mystic. Organized by the Graduate Studies Programs in Philosophy and Arts of the Federal University of Espírito Santo and held in Vitória (Brazil), the congress addressed distinct topics related to art, critique and mystic. My particular interest was the lecture by Professor Paul van Tongeren, known for his contributions to the Nietzsche Forschung, entitled "The Virtues in Nietzsche's Critique of a Morality of Virtue".
I Congresso Internacional de Artes e Filosofia: Arte, Crítica e Mística
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil

Ad Hoc journal article review

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2023/04/22 - Current Limiar (2318-423x) UNIFESP
2023/03/16 - Current Sofia (2317-2339) UFES
2023/02/03 - Current Artefilosofia (2526-7892) UFOP
2022/11/16 - Current Revista Filosofia e Educação (0102-6801)
2022/10/20 - Current Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã (1413-7860)
2022/05/30 - Current Dissertatio (1983-8891)
2022/01/02 - Current Estudos Nietzsche (21793441)

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2018/11/12 - 2018/11/19 Invited by Professor Antonio Edmilson Paschoal, I taught two classes, for undergraduate students, in a Contemporary Philosophy course dedicated to the question of style in Nietzsche's writings. My lectures discussed some similarities between the books published by Nietzsche in 1888, pointing out connections between his stance towards metaphysics and his self-staging in such texts. I also corrected a small exercise written by the students on the topics covered in my classes. Contemporary Philosophy IV (Bachelor) Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil
2016/10/13 - 2016/10/13 As a teaching practice activity during my doctorate, I was responsible for one lecture of a course for graduate students taught by my supervisor Antonio Edmilson Paschoal. The topic of the class was the problem of language in Nietzsche's philosophy, addressing its non-essentialist aspect, its relation with the idea of "hierarchy of drives", and the contributions of such a problem to the philosopher's reflections on "understandability" and "art of style". Contemporary Ethics (Doctor) Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil


2016 Best Master's Thesis in Philosophy 2015-2016
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, Brazil

Other distinction

2020 Distinction for Doctoral Thesis Excellence
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, Brazil
2016 Honorable Mention for Master's Thesis (ANPOF Award)
National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy (ANPOF), Brazil